Twenty Nine. I Should Know.

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Play "Your Power" - Billie Eilish

It was still dark when I felt movement next to me, along with a soft buzzing sound sounding like his phone was ringing. Harry stirred awake and sat up quickly but gently trying not to wake me I presume. 

"Fuck," he cussed quietly, and there was slight movement some more of him getting out of the bed before I heard him continue to speak.

"Hello," he said, there was a small pause and the air in my bedroom grew very thick and filled with guilt. I knew I shouldn't be listening but I'm a light sleeper and the urge to just know something else about him was too strong in that moment. "What do you mean you tracked my car?" What the fuck? Why would someone be tracking his car? Was that the car me and Harry were in today? I knew it wasn't a taxi, but why would Harry have his own driver? 

There was a longer pause now, the person on the phone to Harry seemed to be explaining something in detail.

"I'm with a friend- what no! And about that, it was a small disagreement- he pissed me off, how could I not hit him?" Harry was speaking in harsh whispers at this point, seeming to be growing more frustrated by the second. 

Harry paced a little, I could tell by the sound of my floorboards, before he spoke again. "That was weeks ago V, and don't say it wasn't called for." 

As it was so quiet in here I could hear the voice on the other side of the phone in muffled words- the man it seemed on the other end was also increasing his volume- except he was shouting compared to Harrys angered whispers. 

"Style's, stop getting into fights! How the fuck are you supposed to take over when you're acting like this!" The guy seemed mad, not angry but more irritated than anything. I knew Harry had been in one fight, those bruises on his hands I saw a while ago in class told me everything I thought I needed to know. I tried to make myself believe he boxed or something similar but now I'm not so sure. I wasn't judging him, who was I to judge, I was just more concerned for his safety than anything else. My lack of care for the other guy in the fight did worry me a little, but if I knew Harry as well as I think that I do he wouldn't hit someone just for the sake of it. Like he said, he pissed him off. 

By now the voice on the other side of the phone had lowered his volume once more, and I couldn't understand what he was saying any longer. Harry's breathing seemed to of become more relaxed and slower now too, but I was still the most confused I think I've ever been. Harry had a driver, some sort of thing he needs to take over and a mysterious friend named V that's literally tracking his movements. Okay, maybe I didn't know Harry as well as I thought. 

"Look V, I pay you to help me manage this shit I've gotten myself into. You are not my Dad, you're my friend and if you ever track my car again you're fucking dead. K?" My eyes widened a little at that, but his voice didn't sound the least bit threatening. I should know, I've experienced Harrys threats first hand. 

"Love you too...I guess. Yes, I'm safe. Bye". Harry sighed quite loudly, but paused midway realising it could've woke me up. Bit too late for that buddy. 

Instead of getting back into bed like I half expected him too, I heard my bedroom door open slowly, before I felt Harrys presence diffuse away from me and into the hallway. Taking the opportunity of being alone I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, racking my brain to try and come up with a theory to all the unanswered questions dancing around my head. 

I smoothed the crease out from between my brows, rolling on to my side and staring out my window into the city's night. She was quiet tonight, her usual street-lamp amber glow was still prominent, but the lack of bustle from cars and people that usually accompanied her told me it was very early morning- perhaps three or four AM.  

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