character insights.

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These are the insights/backgrounds of current characters.

George is openly pansexual and uses he/they pronouns
Clay aka Dream is openly bisexual and uses he/him pronouns
Nick aka Sapnap is a closeted queer and uses he/him pronouns
Darryl aka BadBoyHalo is openly gay and uses they/he pronouns
Zak aka Skeppy is openly gay and uses he/him pronouns
Karl is openly bisexual and uses all pronouns including he/they/she
Wilbur aka WilburSoot is openly bisexual and uses they/them pronouns
Tommy aka Tommyinnit is straight and uses he/him pronouns
Toby aka Tubbo is openly pansexual and ace, he uses he/him pronouns
Elle is openly lesbian and uses she/they pronouns
-she will be added later on in the story along with tommy, toby, and wilbur

I might be adding more characters along the way so I will also frequently update.

Now, let's get into the plot of the story.

George lives in the UK along with Nick and Karl. Karl has had feelings for Nick for years and Nick is very well aware of this. He also feels the same way. Nick and Karl had been discussing about having Nick come out and although both were scared about the feedback they may get, they eventually do get around to it. On the other hand, George is absolutely terrified of even telling their closet friends about their feelings, especially since they are madly in love with Clay. Clay however, secretly knows this and is also in love with George, but complications do come with this. As they both live so far away from each other.

Clay, Zak, and Darryl all live in Florida together. Zak and Darryl have both been dating each other for about 9 months. 3 weeks after Zak came out, Darryl had built up the courage to do so, also. That is when they realized that they cared about each other much more than a friend should. Ever since, Zak and Darryl have never been happier. Clay was proud of them, but he also struggled to contain himself as the two boys were always together and flexing the fact that they are madly in love with each other. Clay didn't mind too much, but it also hurt him knowing that he could never do the things the pair had done together, with George.

Over back in the UK, George had to also deal with the same thing, as Karl and Nick were constantly flirting with each other in much more than a friendly manner. However, George didn't mind too much, it had bothered him knowing that he couldn't do the same things with Clay. But, he also had another secret on his hands...


George has been taking anti-depressants for what seemed to feel like ever since he was just a child. His friends had been aware of this, but little did they know, George has been planning on ending their life for the past few months and today was the day. Today was the day he would say fair well to his beloved friends and wait for them in another lifetime...


627 words

I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek of what is to come in the future. Now, I know this first part was really heavy and the story hasn't even started yet, but I just thought I should give a little backstory on the characters and how they are all feeling. I hope you guys really enjoy the upcoming chapters as I have never really expressed myself through writing due to the fact that I have always been scared of that sort of stuff, ahah.
-Love, Axel (he/they)

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