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Hey guys, I currently feel like shit ahah. I am really tired and idk just upset? So my first idea was to start writing as it's the only thing that's my escape. I might write one or two more chapters after this because I know you guys really really like it and I am so glad. Also, please be sure to mention me to others. Thank you for 100 views though:) We might as well get started now!!

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

"Hey," Clay whispered in to George's ear, "Wake up.." He hadn't wanted to disturb George's slumber, as they had looked so adorable cuddled up in a ball on Clay's chest, but he had some news to share.

"George. Come on, get up!!" Clay had gotten slightly louder as he knew that George was a very heavy sleeper. He only knew this though, as they are always sleeping over the phone, together.

"Huh?" A groggy voice spoke. George looked up and saw that Clay had still been in the same spot he was in last night, He didn't move? Wow.. George had thought to himself, he has never slept in the same bed as someone for this long. It had roughly been fourth-seven hours since Clay had arrived. George had been very comforted by their best friend holding them so at that they had finally been able to rest, and it had been a very long rest.

"You are getting discharged in about twenty minutes," Clay now spoke out, "They said you had looked much better, they didn't expect that you would be discharged this early but you have seemed to be doing well, physically." Clay was now smiling as he was glad that George wouldn't have any long term physical effects, emotionally though? That still had to be discussed, but Clay wanted to wait until they were in the comfort of George's home before bringing anything up.

"Wait, really?" George's eyes were drooping and red, it had seemed as if he was still tired, even though he had slept so long. Before Clay had gotten the chance to respond, Nick came bursting into the hospital room and flung the duvet off of the pair, causing booth to groan at the sudden chilled air that had surrounded their bodies.

"Alright," Nick then spoke out, "Get up sleepy heads!! I do not want to be here any longer than needed, my back hurts like a bitch from sleeping on that damn chair for three whole days."

Darryl had walked in a few seconds prior, hearing Nick's sudden outburst, so as usual he had done what they are best known for, by yelling, "Language!!" Nick looked over at the door, seeing his angered friend and responded with red cheeks.

"Oh sorry Bad, didn't see you there.." Darryl just rolled their eyes and walked over to George and Clay, attempting to help the two out of bed.

"Alright," they then spoke, "Are you able to walk?" referring to George as they hadn't walked in awhile and still had been groggy from all of the medications.

George had been confused at this question, but then remembered the altercation between Clay and himself a few days ago.

"Uh, I'm not sure.." They started to speak, "C-can I have some help?" They were now looking at Clay who was still sat in the same spot. At this request, Clay had smiled and nodded, cutely.

"Alright.." Clay groaned out jokingly, "If you insist!" He then crawled out of the bed, signaling for George to come to the edge, they obeyed. By the time they could react, Clay had hoisted them up into his arms.

"Oh my god, Clay!!" George was now giggling, loudly.

"What? You asked me to carry you!!"

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