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Oh my god, Im so sorry for what I am about to write. There has been so much fluff and cuteness, but now it's time to add some problems into the story, aka problems between Clay and George. I hope you guys do enjoy this chapter!

So without further adieu...
I present to you,
You Made Me.

It had been almost a week since Clay, Zak, and Daryl had arrived to the UK. Clay knew he would have to leave in about three days, which had terrified him. He still hadn't told George though, as he didn't want to focus on that, only wanting to spend his last moments with the man he truly loved. The group had spent most of their time indoors, occasionally going out to grab a dinner, but none had really minded staying inside, as it had been a stressful past few days. The group's events had usually taken place at George's, they had watched movies and played Minecraft for hours, just bonding as close friends do. All had seemed okay, until one morning when George had seemed to snap.

"God," George spoke out, "Can you ever shut the fuck up? Like I just asked how long you will be staying and then you go on some long fucking rant about how I don't need to worry about it. Like I'm going to fucking worry. I can't lose you, Clay." They had started to tear up, they'd never fought with Clay before, so why now?

"You're not going to lose me George." Clay replied, "I love you s-" before he could finish his sentence, George spoke out once again.

"How the fuck am I supposed to be sure you actually do!! What if you're just saying it because you feel bad? What if it's just for pity.." they paused for a moment, then continued, "God, I was so dumb to actually think someone had finally cared about me. What, did you just wanna fuck me? Make me feel better? Make me not want to try and kill myself again, because it's better for your own profile? Do you even care?"

To be frank, Clay was shocked, they had just been cuddling and laughing together when everything had changed in a matter of seconds.

"What?" Was the only thing that could come to his mind at the time.

"You heard me, look you don't have to pretend, I know you don't actually feel the same way." George responded, choking up. At this, Clay was fed up. He hadn't known much about life, but he did know one thing. That thing being, he loved George. He loved George, endlessly.

"God. George, are you fucking clueless??" the man started, "I have been head over heels for you since I was fifteen and now you're acting like I have never even bothered to acknowledge you. I fucked up all of my years as a teenager for you. I couldn't go to sleep until I knew you were peacefully resting. If I woke up before you, I would just go back to sleep, waking up every twenty minutes, checking if you had texted me. I skipped out on all offers of hanging out with my in real life friends for a boy who lived across the damn ocean. My life is nothing without you." Clay's eyes started to turn glassy but he had continued anyways, "You make me who I am George, you are my everything. You made me forget about all the pain that had been building up inside of me for years. You made me feel worthy."

Clay walked over to the other, cupping their cold cheek in his firm hand,  "You made me, and I can't even begin to thank you enough. George, I do love you. I have for so long, what will it take to make you believe me??"

George had thought a moment, before allowing their eyes to meet with the others, then saying, "Move in."

"What?" Clay responded, slightly confused at the request,  so George continued,
"Move in with me. I don't care how long it takes, just move in."  The brunette then stepped slightly closer to Clay, allowing their breathe to mix, then pressing his forehead against the others chest.

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