the end.

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Well, guys...
It's over.
Holy shit.

I didn't expect I would be ending this book on such a short notice but I feel it did end on a rather good note. I may continue it with a sequel in the future but right now I feel as if it's time to move onto new works. If I change my mind and do decide to upload a sequel I will inform you all!! I did start a new chapter and it was alright but I feel like I couldn't put my all into it right now.

I feel ending with twenty long chapters is something that we all needed and I know, believe me, I know that I left so many things unsaid and that's why I may write a sequel in the future,
including the wedding of Bad and Zak, the firing of Chris . . . and so on.

I am truly appreciative of all the support I have gained throughout this journey. I have never expected my first story to ever get this far and I am BEYOND grateful for all of the new stuff I learned.

While writing this book I went through many things, struggling with mentality and so on, but this book was always a comfort area for me to come to when needed. But, right now I feel that I am unable to give it my all and that is why I will be ending it here. I am so sorry if I upset any of you by this but please do realize that my mentality is more important than this, as much as I hate to admit it.

Like I said, I may be creating a sequel in the future so try to stick around for that, but otherwise that's all! I love you guys so very much.

Also!! I have recently started two new books, one being a college AU of George and Dream. Dream being the manipulative college boy in love with a self-hatred filled teaching assistant — George. And the other story is a one shot type book. I currently have a few chapters uploaded so I would greatly appreciate it if you were to check those out.

Again, I love you guys so much. Please try to drink some water and eat a bit today. I am so so proud of you all.

Much love,
Axel Renn <3

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