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I have received some negative feed back over my socials about the smut I am writing, I did explain i part one. I have been updating my book format frequently as of now, so please reward that before sending me hate :)

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

Most of the days in Florida had been spent inside, avoiding phone calls from Chris, packing items, working on videos, and hanging out with their friends. George and Clay had known that they wouldn't be able to ignore Chris forever and that they would have to answer the constant messages being left on Clay's phone, but what they hadn't known was that Chris was actually on the way to them, to have a conversation with the two who had made it a habit to not respond to his angered voice mails and multiple texts.

George had been editing a video on the couch, while Clay had been putting together a sandwich when they had heard a knock at the door. George had assumed it would be Daryl and Zak coming to visit so they insisted on answering.

"Hello, sir." The voice had spoken once George opened the door, "And who may you be?" They continued with a malicious grin on their face.

"Uh, George? Who are you?" George responded with a nervous tone of voice.

"Well, wouldn't you like to know!!"

"Wh-" George was about to continue before being almost immediately cut off by the person standing smugly against the door frame.

"I'm sure Clay knows me." They paused a moment, trying to get realization to hit the others face, it didn't, so they continued, "We go long back. Best buds is the word you could call us, even though he may not agree."

They inquired, leaving a confused look upon George's face,.

"George, who's there?" A familiar tone of voice chimed in.

"Ah, Clay!!" The person yelled out, pushing past George and walking into the house. "Just the man I was looking for." Their voice was now toned down to a much more serious matter.

"Chris." Clay spoke out, in an angered tone of voice, "What are you doing here."

"Oh come on, aren't you happy to see your best man?"

"Get out."

"Now, you know I can't do that."

George was now slowly walking over to Clay, staying as far away from Chris, as possible.
"What do you want with us?" The brunette then spoke once they were close enough to Clay, to reach over and grasp his forearm.

"Well, I'm sure you are very well aware of why I'm here." Chris chimed in, "Did you enjoy the visit from Jacob the other day?"

"No." Clay spat, then allowed the man in front of him to continue.

"Oh, that is rather upsetting, I had paid him a lot of money, mostly to pay off any damages that may have happened. Looks like you didn't meet my expectations, but George on the other hand surprised me. Never in a million years would I have thought that such a scrawny faggot like him would be able to beat up a. man that large."

Clay was now baffled, trying to process the information he had just been told, when he spoke the only two words that could exit his throat were, "You what?"

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