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Let's talk about this chapter, shall we? It will include a lot about the perception of love, appreciation, manipulation, ect. It will include the group being with the outcasts, coming up with a plan, should it include Chris finding out? Idk I might do that. I will include Nick's, Karl's, and Wilbur's background in this story, hopefully. I will include more about Elaine and Cara as well, what else?? Let's stop procrastinating, shall we? We shall.

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

What is love? Why do others love? Is love even real? Many ask this question on a daily. To some, love is just a perception of a sort, an escape from reality, to others, love is what you feel when you have found someone you truly care about. Not everyone has the same view on love, in fact almost nobody does. Love is such a difficult topic, as everyone has different backstories and reasons as to why or why not they may believe in it.

To George, love was being able to find comfort in someone. To be comforted by their presence alone. They had never necessarily felt love, nor appreciation, as neither of their parents had been the type to show any affection toward their son. They had never been sure if they had known what love actually was, until they'd met Clay. To them, Clay was like their knight in shining armor, even if to the world they had just seemed like a pair of best friends. It had distressed them to have to hide from their best friend, but that's all they had ever known to do. Hide. Hiding was their only safety.

They weren't able to talk about how they had felt, as they were truly terrified. What if it had went wrong? What if Clay hadn't felt the same way and George was left alone, to think about everything they had ever done wrong, constantly running over the last conversation they had with Clay, analyzing every, one bit, wondering if they had worded something wrong or sounded off. In the moment, before George had confessed his love, all he could ever do was daydream. At the time, it had been his only escape. Thinking of a world with true happiness, being held by the man he loved. Now, it wasn't so difficult anymore, as they would both wake up, holding each other in their arms, hopefully.


"Clay.." They had spoken out, waiting a moment for the other to respond,

"Hm?" A tired, muffled voice hummed, through his pillow.

"Would you like to go have coffee with a few of our friends?" George responded, questioningly, causing the other to look up, with a warm smile on his face,

"Of course, I would love too."

After having replied, he grabbed for George, pulling them into a tight hug, sticking their nose into the crook of their shoulder. They had held that position for a bit, whispering 'I love you's every few moments, before deciding to get up and ready for the day ahead.


Once the two had decided it was time to get ready, they both headed to the kitchen, hands entangled with one another. George had decided to pull away from the other for a quick moment and head over to the record player to play some tunes. Once he arrived, he squatted down in a close range of distance to choose from his shelf of records, ranging from Indie to Rock. His albums had consisted of Lana Del Ray, Nirvana, John Lennon, Fleetwood Mac, Wickerbird, Glass Animals, and so on. They had decided to choose from the Glass Animals album, which had included the hit songs, Helium, Gooey, Agnus, Dreamland, Pork Soda, and the infamous Heat Waves. They had decided it would be best to choose Heat Waves. Once they managed to place the disc on the player, they headed over to the significant other who had been putting together two pieces of avocado toast, half hoping for George to join him.

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