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Well, it's io two in the morning right now and I am still attempting to get back on track, as you can see I am failing miserably, but i'm going to pretend I'm doing fine. This chapter will include a lot, I'm pretty sure, uhhh it will have Clay and George's visiting Clay's family, it will have them heading back to England and so on.

Character update:
Elaine is openly lesbian and uses she/her pronouns
-she's nicks sister btw and a baddie

Cara is openly bisexual and uses she/her pronouns
-her and elaine are dating


So without further adieu...
I present to you,
Beyond Control.

"Look, I'm not saying that I think it's a bad idea.."
"Then what do you think?? What am I supposed to do. I have no control over this. He's mad. I am trying my best here, but I don't know what to do. And no, I am not giving up my only chance of moving in with George." Clay countered, worriedly.

"Has it rained?"


"Has it rained, I haven't visited in awhile, has it rained?"

"Elaine, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Sorry, it was stupid. I'm stupid"

"No, don't say that, you're the smartest girl I know, okay?"

"Do you truly mean that?" Elaine replied, half expecting the man on the other side of the phone to scoff at her, but he hadn't, instead he replied,
"Of course, you're one of my closest and brightest friends."

"Yeah, sadly." At this, Clay let out a dramatic sigh, then fired back, "Now, now. Don't get ahead of yourself."

He waited for a laugh, once received, he continued,

"Do you plan on visiting? Nick misses you. Would you come to England?"

"I.. I don't know. I'm scared I might run into dead bodies. You know, because of your crazy boss."

At this, Clay chortled, then speaking once again,
"Well, you should think about it, we all miss you. George included."

"How is George? Have you confessed?"


"That you are going to ask him to be your's, dummy."

"Oh.." Clay blurted, "Not yet."
"What? Aren't you madly in love with him?"

"Yeah, but I can't just ask them right now."

"And why may that be?"

"Elaine, you should know. Crazy business man on the loose. I just want to wait awhile, until everything has cooled down, before asking them."

"I mean, yeah that makes sense. Anyways I have to go, tell George I said hi alright? I will also think about coming to England, when I'm free."

"Alright cool!! And will do. Talk to you later!"

"Yeah you too, bye!"

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