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Well here's chapter eighteen
I don't think I have much to say sooo
Shall we get started? We shall.

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

George was sitting in the back of his vehicle wondering if the rain was going to stop. He didn't want it to stop. He was just wondering.

It was late; almost midnight, when he decided he couldn't stay in that house anymore. He needed to leave, so with that he did. He headed to the park, leaving a worried boyfriend behind; he didn't care though.

A few hours earlier him and the blonde had gotten into an altercation of sorts, useless arguing, most hadn't even made sense. It was all a blur to George to be quite frank. He didn't want to remember. He hated remembering the negatives in his relationship, even when there hadn't ever been that many to start with.


"Fucking hell, Clay.." George muttered, walking across the kitchen to create distance between the two.
"I'm not a god damn child, I can drink whenever the fuck I want, I can smoke whenever the fuck I want, you are not my fucking parent!!" They spat, tone getting slightly more aggressive by the minute.

"I-I'm just worried, George." The blonde whispered, slowly shuffling across the kitchen in attempt to take hold of the other's cheek, which had immediately backfired.

"Don't fucking touch me." They slapped away his hand.

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't be sorry either," They paused, for a moment. George had felt sorry for the man but they couldn't let that show. They wanted to be the inferior one.

"I'm going out." They decided after a few moments of awkward silence.

"W-what?" Clay stuttered.

"You heard me. I am going out." The individual repeated, harshly.

"Can we at least talk? Talk about this?" The blonde

"All we do it fucking talk, Clay. I need a break right now, alright? Just give me that."

"A break? Like from us?"

"I don't know. I just need some time to think."
They were now whispering, running their thumb along the freckled cheek in attempt to wipe away the constantly falling track of tears.

He replied in the same gentle tone of voice, but as well a hint of worry.

"I won't be out late, alright?" George kissed his jaw, earning a slight flush. Not the type of flustered you get when you make eye contact with your crush, this one was sadder. More meaningful. Agitated, even.

"Be careful." He shoved his nose into the hair of their head.

"Always am."


After leaving the house when George had, it was only around nine in the evening, the light had been slowly dimming and the street lamps turning on, they went immediately for their favourite park. The one they had always visited with their mom. It was one of the only things they felt they had left. It was a part of her, leading it to be a part of them.

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