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Should I continue the cliffhanger or start something new then go back to it??
I'll just continue the cliff hanger and get back to a new pov or something
Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 20!!
Wow 20 already
That is a lot oml
Anyways let's get started

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

Elle had never been in a farmhouse before, so she didn't know if it was a typical farmhouse or not, but she guessed it probably was. Wooden beams, wooden floors, logs crackling on an open fire. An Aga stove in the kitchen. A larder out the back.

"Hun, we're here!" Vince echoed through the ragged house.

"In the kitchen my love!" Isabella echoed back, along with miscellaneous sounds of pots and pans clattering together, "I'll be there in a moment!"

After a few short minutes a petite, short woman came strutting through the house. She had short dirty blonde hair messily tied back, along with a few baby hairs falling in front of her glimmering blue eyes. When looking closer you would notice that she had a variety of freckles scattered across her skin, along with a tan appearance. She was slim, but well curved. She had been wearing a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a plain black shirt, along with an apron tied around her waist, accentuating her figure. She was beautiful. Her fingers where slim, her cheekbones high, and her skin appeared soft and angelic. She was seemingly perfect.

"Hi, darling!" she beamed, pulling her stocky boyfriend into a hug.

"Hello, sweetie," he grinned into the hug. Wilbur cringed on the inside. Sure, Vince was alright but he would never replace their father. No matter how hard her had tried.

After a few extended seconds of holding out the hug, Isabella finally released her grasp and turned to Wilbur. "Hi, baby . . ." she whispered, apologetic look wiped across her front.

"Uhm, hi —?" they questioned, but before having the chance to speak out any further they were pulled into an embracive hug.

"I missed you so much, my love."

"Mother, it's only been three months." Wilbur awkwardly chuckled.

"Yes, but I'm allowed to miss my kid, aren't I? And plus, I get lonely here. Jared never visits because of all the work he has in the city . . ."

"Yeah, I guess . . ." they trailed off, bringing their gaze to Elle who was stiffly stood in the corner of the room, scanning the walls in attempt to defeat the tension bubbling inside her. "Anyways, I brought a friend!!" they spoke out, causing the girl in the corner to jump slightly, before shyly smiling.

"Ah yes!!" Isabella pulled away, turning around to meet the girl behind. "My apologies! Wilbur has never brought any friends around, I was beginning to think they didn't have any," she laughed.

"Mother!!" The dirty blonde butted in, sounding themself out to be strict, but deep down their heart was warming. Had their mother really used the correct pronouns? She's never done this? Has she changed? Surely she hasn't. But, then again . . .

Wilbur's train of thought was broken when the woman beside them spoke out. "Well, aren't you going to introduce me??" She looked at them with expectant eyes.

"Uhm, oh yeah," they smiled. "Mother this is Elle . . . Elle this is Isabella, my mother."

"Hi!" Elle beamed, shuffling over to the shorter woman, holding her hand out. But to her surprise she was pulled into a hug.

"Hello, Elle!" Isabella vocalized. "It's so nice to meet you."

"And you as well, Ms. Soot."

"Oh please, call me Izzy."

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