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What am I supposed to even name my chapters anymore? Like wtf, okay so most times it has to deal with correlation to the actually story but then again "Leaving" could mean anything, what if I totally decide on of the couples to leave eachother, this was a joke. I would never do that <3

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

"Hey.." Zak spoke in a stifled voice, "Can I talk to you, for a moment?" The person next to him looked up from their phone, with a uplifting nod, then stating,

"Yes, of course my love, what is it?"

"So, you're sure you want to move in with me? Go all the way to England?" Zak replied, apprehensively.

Now, Darryl had turned their head, fully tuning into the conversation, "Yes of course, why wouldn't I?" They questioned.

"Well..." Zak died out, attempting to bethink his next words. "I just don't want you to regret it." This time he spoke deadpan.

"Why would I regret it?" Daryl responded, scooting over to their boyfriend, pulling themselves up onto the silk woven couch, and rotating their body to the shaken boyfriend. "Hey.. Look at me." Daryl continued, softly grabbing the other's chin and turning it toward their face, eyes staring into eachother now.

"I wouldn't do anything I might regret." They then said, with a faint but reassuring smile.

"But what if-" Before Zak was able to finish his sentence, Darryl pulled him closer, forehead resting against the other.

"I'm not going anywhere, Zak."


"I promise." Daryl uttered, in a strict but not unkindly tone of voice, then pulled the other into a warm, heartfelt kiss on the lips. He lingered for a moment longer, basking in the glory of their boyfriend's presences and the backing away, mainly due to the fact that they hadn't wanted to make Zak uncomfortable, but he was far from that. He looked Daryl in the eyes, scooted closer, and swung a leg around their lap, spanning their thighs to sit snugly. Once he had been comfortable, he managed to bring himself closer, to the heavily panting other. Once the distance between them was a few short inches, he cupped the Daryl's face and smashed his wet lips onto the them, leaving them both breathless.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm always sure, love." With that Darryl smiled while bucking their hips at every slight movement Zak had made, it attempt to keep him in a closer range of distance.


They let their hand travel up the curve of Zak's spine, into an undeniably soft hairstyle, that had also been in a sort of mess, not sure why or how, but Daryl always found it precious. Then, they let their free hand creep upward, to wrap completely around Zak's hips, pulling them closer in a red-complexioned flush.

Zak slowly arched his back to the soft press of the other's warm fingers trailing their body, he tilted his chin upward, just so, as he knew it had drove the individual in front of him, crazy. Then, he closed the distance between the two once again, pulling Daryl into another embrace, drawing their bottom lip with his teeth, mercifully, then replacing them with his own lips.

Moments like these hadn't been shared much between the two, as all the ever needed was to be in each other's presence to be satisfied, but when the time did come around they had always been slow, warm, and passionate. They had always shared a type of love you can't find anywhere else, private, kind, and serine. Where they would fondly nozzle one another and press as closely as humanly possible.

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