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What is with everyone and digging up the past? Well, that's exactly what it going to happen in this story. It will be a majority of past events, like a lot because I still need to clarify everyone's past, should I just make the whole chapter about the past? I think I might just do that.

character update:
Ophelia is openly lesbian and uses she/her pronouns

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

"Karl," Nick whispered, cradling the other in his arms, "Would you like to talk about it?"

She hadn't responded for a moment, as she physically couldn't. Their throat had felt blocked off and all that was able to pass through their lips were quiet sobs into the man's arm, attempting to hold back the constant sniffles,

"I hope you know I'm here for you, my love."

"I-I know.." Karl then spoke out, sadly, "I'm just, I'm just overwhelmed, that's all."

These words had caused a concerned look to form on Nick's face. Once he had managed to recollect himself, he replied while shoving his nose into their head of hair, "Why are you overwhelmed?"


"No, that's bullshit!!" A man bellowed, slamming his fist on the kitchen table, causing the salt and pepper holder to titter.

"What, what do you mean, bullshit," A woman replied, frightened by the sudden outburst, "What do you mean, bullshit, Jimmy? You're the one who slept with another woman.." She continued, blatantly.

"Oh my god!! You hear one damn rumor and think it's true?" The man yelled, once again, causing his son in the corner of the room to jump.

"No.. I know it's true."

"What evidence do you have, woman?" After hearing this, Amber headed into the restroom, coming out a few moments later, this time holding a piece of red, ruffled fabric in her slender, pale hands.

"Care to explain?" She then asked, causing the man in front of her to falter,

"S-surely those belong to you!!"

"No, Jim. They don't."

Amber's response caused the sitting man to immediately step up, walking over to her, clanking boots on the tiled floor, and then grabbing the fabric from her. He had toppled over her by roughly a foot, it has terrified the woman, as she had known that if he pleased, he could very easily hurt her, possibly end her life.

She had dealt with his antics every since they had first gotten together, which would now be seventeen years in a few short months. Years into the marriage, he had gotten her pregnant, even though she insisted she not want a child, he had known this was the only way she wouldn't be allowed to leave, permanently that is.

Karl, their son, had been around the age of nine now, even though it had been almost a whole decade, the standards had still been the exact same, mother listening and keeping to herself, father managing to keep the control and gain the good reputation.

He hadn't let her go anywhere with her son, without his permission, that is. He would force her to always dress up as they had a reputation in the town to keep. He hadn't allowed her to take walks by herself, or even exercise, as he hadn't wanted her to be seen as independent. He had successfully manipulated and torn apart his loved one throughout the years. He made her feel as if she had done everything wrong, as if she was the source of all issues, then he comforted her. He bought her items, reassured her that he wouldn't leave, he had made her feel as if he was the only one she had. He distanced her from her family and friends, telling her that they had also been the main cause of all issues.

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