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Hey guys, here is chapter two, I am going to try and update frequently as I have a bunch of ideas to this story and I don't want to forget them. Please be sure to leave some feedback and vote so this can get across others :) I hope you guys enjoy!!

Without further adieu,
I present to you..

"We have to leave right now if we are going to catch our plane." It was now 10:25pm and Clay was starting to panic.

"Yes, of course, let's go right now," Darryl spoke out, "Does everybody have everything??" The boys looked at each other and all nodded quickly before heading out to their car.

The airport was a 10 minute drive so the pair hadn't been too worried about catching their plane, but on the other hand there was Clay. He couldn't risk even being a few seconds late. He needed to see George. He needed to cradle George and tell them that he loved them. He needed to tell him that everything would be okay, and that he wouldn't ever leave.


The boys arrived to the airport 10 minutes before the flight was going to take off, they rushed in to the main area and waited. It had felt like the longest 10 minutes ever to Clay, he just wanted to be in the UK right now, holding the person he was in love with.

By the time they knew it, they were finally on their plane. They were all still stressed, but it felt like a weight was lifted off of their shoulders.
Clay quickly pulled out his phone to text Nick and notify him that they were on the way.


clay :)
hey, i'm on the way

sappy nappy :D
Alright cool,
I'm glad you are coming
I really appreciate it.

clay :)
i just couldn't be away
i need to be with him.

sappy nappy :D
Yeah, I get what you mean.
Have a safe flight though
Please text me when you land
I will be there to pick you up

clay :)
of course.
i have to go now.
i will text you
and then we go straight to george

sappy nappy :D
That's the plan :)


Clay set down his phone, after putting it on airplane mode, as requested. He stared out the tiny window, viewing all the city lights, and then some. He looked up into the night sky, not expecting to see any stars as he never had before, but then, he saw something. It was one huge, glowing, star. He tried searching for more, but that was the only one he could come back too. In some way it had comforted him. He told himself,
That is George's star. He is going to be okay and I will see him.

He looked back into the plane and sadly smiled at Darryl and Zak, who had been holding each other while dozing off. Soon, he also dozed off, hoping to sleep the whole ride and be awoken by the flight attendant saying that they had safely landed.


By the time Karl, Nick, and George had arrived to the hospital it had been 4:15 in the morning, George was still awake, but struggling. Nick's lap had been filled with George's blood and puke. Although, Nick had always had a weak stomach for that stuff, he didn't mind as he knew that George had felt much worse.

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