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WOOO first chapter of the stages of grief series, is that what it would be called? A series? I'm honestly not sure to be honest but let's just get into it I guess!!
Btw thank you for 3.8k reads, ily guys!!
Anyways shall we get started? We shall.

So without further adieu...
I present to you,


A cold sweat trickled down my forehead, traveling to my neck. I was in a dark room, a void perhaps. I couldn't feel anything except the cold temperature against my bare skin. Then, it was clear. I could see him. Wait. He's not alone. He's lying on a bed? Why? Why is there a man atop of him? I start to panic. I can't control it. Everything goes dark. I'm stuck. I can't hear nor see anything.
I woke up.


It had been around eleven thirty in the morning, the day after, when Clay had received a call.
"Hello?" He picked at his thumbnail.

"Hey," A muffled voice spoke back, George was unable to tell who it may have been,

"H-how is he?" They stuttered out.

"Uhm," Clay was hesitant. His boyfriend was right next to him. Was it okay to have this conversation around them? Would it be much too difficult for them to handle? He caved in anyways. "They're doing okay."

At this point George had figured it was a friend, possibly Nick, so they allowed themselves to relax, stretching along across the couch and letting their fingers to intertwine with the blonde's, at first the other tensed but shortly after relaxed at the gesture, warm smile forming across his front.

The muttered voice continued once more, George still unable to identify words being said, closed their eyes and rest their head in the man's lap, playfully toying with his free handed fingers, this caused Clay to smile once more.

"Oh, uh," He paused, brining his gaze from the television down to a tired brunette.
"I don't know.."
"He just seems tired."
"Well, here let me ask."

Not even a second later, Clay spoke up once more, this time not into the phone but to the one laying atop him.


"Hmm?" They hummed, tired look wiped noticeably across their face.

"Would it be cool if a few people came over?" George opened his eyes to meet the blonde's deep green ones.

"Like?" It took Clay a moment to realize what "Like?" had centrally met but once realization had hit he tuned back in, boyfriend waiting for a reply.

"Uhm, let me ask actually.." He smiled before turning back to the the waiting individual across the line.

"So who wants to come over?"
"Alright, cool."
"Yeah, thanks man, text you later?"
"Okay, see ya later, Nick."

He hung up.

After setting his phone on the coffee table he turned his attention back to the patiently waiting brunette,

"He said Karl, Wilbur, Bad, Zak, Tommy and Toby wanted to come over."

"Toby?" George questioned.

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