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Idk what imma even write oml. I'm going to have the group in Florida run into Chris of course, uhhh I might have them flying back to England, I'm not sure yet though due to the fact that while I'm writing, I just go with what comes in mind, like this is all from my mind and I write down no notes whatsoever which I'm not sure how I am able to do, but it's been going okay so far so I plan on continuing the way I am. Anyways how about we get started!!

So without further adieu...
I present to you,

The group had landed in Florida a few hours later than expected, not allowing them to be careful and stay hidden from Chris. He had been furious once he had found out that George had flown in with Clay, leaving dozens of missed calls and messages, telling the man how he would regret his decision, how there would be consequences and so on.


You are going to regret this.
I hope you realize that your life is on the line.
You are putting yourself in an even deeper
hole than before, I hope you are aware
of the consequences that will take place,
once you arrive in Florida.

i hope you realize that i am no longer
a child and your so called threats don't scare me
you can't do anything
to get between me and george.

Oh, you are not getting out of this.
I hope you come to your senses soon, Clay.
You aren't a fucking faggot, so stop acting like
Or like I said, there will be consequences.

what are you gonna do big man
hit me🥺
scare me a bit
yell at me🥺🥺
awee i'm oh so scared
shaking in my shoes rn
goodnight chris, go fuck yourself


"Well, he should be off our backs atleast until tomorrow." Clay had said, after switching off his phone and setting it on his coffee table, before also resting his feet atop.

"Well, what's our plan?" Zak responded, looking over toward Clay, who had been tracing circles into George's temple, as George was laid on Clay's lap.

"To be completely honest, I have no idea." He responded, pausing a moment to collect his thoughts, then counting, "Chris Bauté is a very powerful man, he has many tactics and will do anything to keep a good image in the public eye, probably including murder also"

At this, the group looked at him, with stranged looks, George then saying, while turning his head to look at Clay, "What do you mean murder? Has he actually killed someone before?" Clay looked back done, at the man on his lap, trying to remember if Chris had actually hurt someone,
"Well, I'm not one-hundred percent sure, but I know he has tried to. He would never actually admit to a murder though, as he would be reported and most likely convicted,"

Clay paused for a second trying to rephrase what he had meant, in his mind, "No, scratch that, he wouldn't even be sent to court most likely, he would pay somebody off in the force and they would let him go, so yeah we basically have no evidence that he committed a crime, let alone killed someone."

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