Chapter five

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A strong hand wraps around my wrist, stopping me from attacking the she wolf. I turn around to see who stopped me, my eyes meeting a pair of bright hazel ones. I breathe in sharply, feeling how sparks fly from where our skin makes contact.

Mine, my wolf snarls in my head. My eyes widen, when reality sets itself in me and I realize what's going on. The male still holds my wrist in his hand, but his grip loosens completely. His hazel eyes, the green overtaking the brown, are wide just like mine. His lips part slightly and I notice how his eyes dance all over my face, taking my features all in.

It's like time stopped for us and I take in the male that is standing before me. He has messy chestnut brown hair and magnificent hazel eyes. His nose is straight and his jaw is like a sharp knife. He is almost two heads taller than me.

My brain finally starts working again and I tear my wrist out of his hand. Without even looking back at the she wolf, I start running. Thomas waits for me at the fence and prepares his hands to help me over the fence. I step on the stair he made with his hands and pull myself over the wooden fence. Thomas climbs over it as well and we start running right after Alec. I can barely see Tyler and Samantha who are almost at the woods already.

"Why the hell did you freeze?!" Thomas yells at me, glancing towards me for answers. I shake my head, still too shocked to answer him.

This can't be. It really can't be true, right? This is some cruel joke the universe is playing on me. Or maybe it's a dream.

I sprint across the empty streets, hearing how somebody jumps over the fence at the party. I look over my shoulder and see the brunette coming right after us. The fence shakes again when the male jumps over it, heading right after the girl. Crap!

"What do we do now? They're following us." I tell Thomas, as we finally catch up to Alec. "Head in the forest, we can shift there." Thomas tells me and I actually have to look at him with wide eyes. "Are you seriously forgetting I can't shift yet!?" I growl out, angry that my own brother forgot I'm a late bloomer. The male beside me presses his lips together and looks directly at the forest. "Fuck." He mutters under his breath as we finally enter the forest.

Tyler and Samantha wait for us there, both ready to start running again. I come to a stop beside them, breathing deeply from all of the running. If I'm correct, we're still on the border of the two territories. But the question is, are they daring enough to follow us into our territory?

"I'm not running anymore. You guys go ahead, I'll deal with them." Tyler growls, pushing Sam behind himself. My heart hammers against my chest from all of the running, but Tyler has a point. We can't run forever. We have to stand our ground.

"Are you insane? We'll be safe if we keep running. They won't go on our territory." Alec complains and I shake my head. "We have been leaving our scent on their territory for fourteen years. You think some invisible border will actually stop them?" I see how the two werewolves enter the woods and stop about three meters from us.

The male looks to me, his breathing heavy from all of the running. His eyes soften at the sight of me and I feel my heart almost pull me towards him. Shit, this is the most awful time to find my mate. Especially, because he is a part of the pack that is trying to tear us apart right now.

"Trespassers." The girl snarls at us and I bare my fangs, that have grown out, at her. A growl rumbles in my chest in warning and she focuses her eyes all on me. I'm ready to fight her just to protect my family. My concern is completely settled on her, because the male is supposed to be my mate. And mates don't hurt each other because it hurts them as well.

Tyler snarls next to me, prepared to take them on, just like I am. The male from the other pack wakes up from his daydream and growls back at my brother. There is more of us than them, so we have the advantage in this fight. I hear Samantha quietly growl at them and that's when the girl's face breaks into a smile and she laughs.

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