Chapter fourty-eight

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A headache was starting to press against my forehead and my body felt completely tired. I was now sitting in the armchair again, with Jason leaning on the armrest and looking at the two tense werewolves.

Natalie, Norrie and Paul are seated on the sofa, while Padva still hides under the coffee table. Alec is leaning on the wall beside the balcony door, watching Thomas talk on the phone.

"What?" Elliot asks, his muscles stiff like a rock. I lean my arm on the other armrest and rest my head in my palm, a loud sigh tumbling out of me. "Can you repeat that, because I'm not sure I heard you correctly." Elliot's voice is almost threatening and I feel like I'm going to have to step in before the two end up in a fight. Ryker looks completely ready to fight back if my mate jumps on him.

"Your sister is my mate." Ryker repeats, like Elliot would be an old man with bad hearing. His words are spoken slowly and very clearly. I can see how Elliot's jaw tightens, which makes it look sharper.

"Are they going to fight?" I turn my head to the side to look at Natalie, almost missing her quiet question. "Hopefully not." I answer, looking back at the two males. Elliot becomes completely red in the face and he starts to pace, just to avoid charging at Ry.

I follow his figure with my eyes, all of my senses focused on my mate's emotions. My wolf makes a noise that tells me she wants me to comfort him, but I stay seated with Jason by my side.

"Ryker looks hopeless." Jason's voice is low, like he'd try to keep quiet so his brother doesn't hear him. "You'd be too if you'd have a mate from your enemy pack." I mumble back, watching as Elliot suddenly spins around, looking to Ryker.

"You." He says, which makes the male he's pointing at raise his chin a little, just to show that he's not afraid of my mate. "I can't believe the Moon goddess would choose you for Rebecca's mate." Ryker's face twists with confusion, before it turns annoyed and angry.

I raise my eyebrows at Elliot's words, while Jason holds back a snicker.

"Wow, that's not really nice, man." Paul budges in, which makes my mate glance over to the human. There are so many mixed emotions in the room that it's hard to focus on the conversation itself. I can hardly focus on my own emotions right now.

I rest back in the armchair, my head resting against the cushion. I look up to the ceiling and count from ten backwards, to try and calm my racing mind and gather my thoughts.

Father is going to kill us when he finds out Natalie, Norrie and Paul know about us now. We're going to get in so much trouble. And my first transformation might happen on the next full moon. It could be my last month to live.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Natalie crouches down before me. Her hair is almost completely dry and I have to say I did a very good job at dying it. Her hands rest on my knees and she has a soft expression on her face.

"Can we talk in the kitchen?" She asks me and I nod a little. I glance over to Jason, before I stand up. We walk through the living room, the two tense werewolves watching our figures. I set a hand on Elliot's shoulder, which makes his tall figure turn to me.

"No fighting." I tell him, but the sentence is aimed at Ryker as well. I don't wait to hear their answers, walking after Natalie into the kitchen. She rests on top of the counter, while I head to the cupboard and grab a glass so I can pour some water in it. My eyes stay on the world outside of the window, watching if the Midnight pack might return.

"All of this is really hard to take in." My best friend tells me as I down my glass of water. I turn around to look at her, seeing how she's fiddling with the sleeves on her jacket.

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