Chapter fifty

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I stand by the doorway of the house, anxiously glancing down my phone to check the time every minute. I wait for Norrie and Natalie at the open door, while the boys stand outside on the front lawn with two cars ready. Thomas is sitting in the black sedan, looking as nervous as I am.

I hear Elliot walk up to me, his hand giving me a soft squeeze on the shoulder.

"Calm down. We'll be fine now that the Betas and Gammas are out of the game." His voice is low as he speaks to me and I shrug my shoulders a little, making his hand rise up with the motion. "I'm scared for them." I say, looking at the stairwell where the two Morris girls finally appear. "So am I. But we'll be able to protect them." Elliot reassures me, his hand sliding off of my shoulder and down my arm, before it completely disappears.

Norrie is holding the car keys to her car, but she looks so pale that I'm afraid she's going to collapse any second now.

"Elliot!" She calls for my mate, making him turn around. His quick reflexes make his hand shoot out and catch the car keys that were thrown towards him. "Drive. I don't think I'm able to." She states and Elliot glances over at me. It's a silent request to follow him into the car and sit by his side, so he has his eyes on me the whole time and makes sure I'm fine.

Natalie goes to sit into the passenger seat of the black sedan, Thomas giving her a soft smile when he sees her in his car. Paul follows her and sits in the back with Alec.

Norrie and the Quantum siblings sit into the turquoise Hyundai Kona, that Norrie got for her eighteenth birthday. Elliot is in the driver's seat of the car, while I sit in the passenger side. The second the car starts with a roar, Elliot's hand comes to rest on my knee. He pulls out of the driveway and follows the black sedan down the road.

"So, we'll see how it is like in a werewolf pack with our own two eyes?" Norrie's voice is so soft I can barely hear her speak form the backseats. She sits in between the siblings, her body leaning forward to look at me and Elliot. My mate's hand disappears from my knee so he can shift gears, before it returns.

"You'll be fine." I answer, looking out of the side window at the passing houses. It strange not to hear Jason or Ryker talk for so long, so I look up to the rearview mirror, catching a little bit of Ry's reflection.

"Right, Ryker?" I ask, bringing his attention to me. He turns to the front, looking at me from the backseats. Norrie turns to look at him, which makes his blue eyes bounce from me to her.

"Yeah. I think you'll be fine." He mumbles, looking down at his knitted fingers. He doesn't sound as convincing as I did, which makes me turn around in the seat to see him better. Elliot glances over to my figure, before he looks back to the road.

"What's Loki going to do?" I ask him, which makes the older sibling look up to me again. His eyes turn to his brother that sits on the other side of Norrie, but Jason turns away from him, to look through the window.

"I don't know. Better question is what's mom going to do if she knows about the secret being revealed." Ry answers and I press my lips tightly together at the mention of Nova. The Luna scares me as much as Camila does and somehow the two could go head to head in combat in the next battle. I wonder who would win.

"We're almost there." Elliot announces, driving into our street. I can see many pack members outside on their driveways, watching the two cars drive towards the pack house at the end of the street. Norrie leans against Jason to look outside the window, her lips slightly parted.

"All of these people... They're..." Her voice gives out on her when she sees Mary and Mike standing at their open door, watching as we drive by. "Werewolves." Jason finishes for her, looking over to the girl that is resting against him. We park right behind the black sedan on our driveway and I notice how Tyler and Samantha stand outside of the doorway, watching as we slowly scramble out of the cars.

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