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A low rumbling woke Aussie up next. At first she didn't remember the recent events and thought she was hearing the maze doors open like any other day. But that rumbling soon turned to words as she became more awake. She kept her eyes closed, feeling first the warm embrace she was in, remembering finally that Gally had stayed with her through the night. She listened to what they were saying, not quite ready to be a part of any conversations yet, comfortably eavesdropping for the time being.

"She asked me to stay with her, I'm staying with her," Gally's voice whispered to one ear and rumbled to the ear pressed to his chest.

"Gally it's past noon, we were supposed to leave at first light," was that Joan? "I wouldn't mind giving Aussie a day to recover, but you know what she said. The doors are going to stay open and the grievers are coming and killing some of us every night until we leave."

"I know," Gally sighed, his arms wrapping around Aussie more firmly. "But I promised her I would stay, I'm sorry but I am absolutely not leaving her. You get things ready to go and I'll carry her out of here if I have to-"

"We need your help getting ready!" Someone said more loudly earning a shush from Gally. Aussie felt the muscles in his abdomen flex. "Come on Gally," the voice went on quieter this time, whining.

Aussie felt guilty and finally opened up her eyes, feeling them peel apart from a hot and heavy sleep. The room was filled with light now, betraying the truth that it was, in fact, well into the day already like they'd said. Gally was slightly propped up in the bed, his shirt was put back together and she was laying beside him, tucked under one arm and resting against his chest.

"Aussie!" a voice cheered before the bed bounced with another person joining them. Aussie's blurry eyes were filled with Gertie's grinning face and wild curls. "I can't believe it!" She exclaimed before throwing herself across Gally and onto to Aussie in an attempt to hug her. Gally let out an 'oof' below them.

"Thank you for not dying!" Gertie cried as she squeezed her. "I thought for sure- oh god, I couldn't handle it. I'm so glad you're ok!"

Aussie didn't know what to say to her just then and even if she had, her mouth felt like it had been mortared shut, it was so dry. She just patted Gertie where she could. Finally Gertie got off of her and Gally, perching on the side of the bed instead. 

"How do you feel?" Gertie asked her, pressing a hand to her forehead as Aussie slowly worked her way to sitting up as much as Gally was, still resting against him.

"Water," Aussie mouthed to her, letting her head fall against Gally's shoulder. She felt better than any of the other times that she woke up, at least as far as she could remember.

Gertie thrust a glass into her hand and she took a sip, holding it in her mouth until it moistened every dry part of it again. She took another sip and felt her head clear up a little.

"What happened?" she asked, finding it easier to keep her eyes open.

She felt Gally huff a breath and looked up to see his jaw set and his eyes avoiding hers.

"How much do you remember?" Gertie asked her with confusion written on her face.

Aussie swallowed a thick lump in her throat. "The doors didn't close?"

"Yeah, then you locked me in the map room and got yourself stung by a Griever," Gally filled in, seeming upset even as he continued to hold her tenderly.

"But," Gertie chimed in more positively to try and lighten the topic. "You also killed the Griever! and none of the girls died!"

"But you almost died," Gally picked up again, refusing to let it go.

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