Because Love

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Aussie stirred awake to someone stroking her hair. She was surprised to find that she felt a lot better than she had earlier. That was a relief since she really didn't want to be a burden during their escape.

She looked up, already knowing who she would see. Gally sat by her on the bed, running his fingers through the hair by her temple. It made her scalp tingle and her body relax, but somehow her heart beat managed to quicken.

"Hey," he said quietly when he noticed she was awake. His palm rested lightly on her cheek and his thumb brushed across it, making a small smile appear on her. "You don't feel so feverish anymore."

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better," she agreed. "I don't know how that's possible but I'm not complaining."

She sat up and smoothed her hair out, feeling Gally's eyes on her and his silence. There was something hanging in the air and it wasn't just the escape.

"So, it's time to go?" She asked when he stayed quiet, feeling her breath shaking.

"Almost," he nodded.

She looked up at him finally and remembered that she hadn't told him about her Griever immunity yet. She was really struck by that thought because, at first, she was just thinking of how she got the green light and they wouldn't attack her, but she also made it through a sting without serum. She shook that thought off for the time being.

"Gally, I have something important to tell you," she started, scooting a little closer to him.

His gaze softened and he turned toward her. "Same here."

"I know I probably seem a little crazy, but I really need you to believe me, ok?" She began, getting his agreement before going on. "The Grievers don't attack me for some reason-"

"Aussie, you got stung," he pointed out.

She squeezed her eyes shut and put her hands on his shoulders. "Please," she repeated before looking at him again. "It wasn't on purpose. I stood outside the map room and it never attacked me. I walked toward it and it backed up. It didn't attack Rosa because I got between them. They have these lights, I saw it that day we went in the maze to look for Thena. There was a green light shining on me and we didn't get attacked, the other group did. Last night I saw the green light on me and then... then it moved to you and turned red."

Their eyes were locked, questions bubbling behind Gally's gaze but he didn't say anything.

"I don't know why it's me, I don't know if it's always going to be that way, but in case it is- in case they're really not supposed to attack me, I need you and Gertie to stay close to me. Stay close to me the whole time," she felt it in her throat, the tightness of being about to cry as she looked deep into Gally's eyes, pleading with him, feeling the heart ache of losing him. Her hands slid up his shoulders, cradling his neck instead. "I don't want anyone to die, I'm going to try and keep as many girls alive as I possibly can, but I... I can't lose you. It hurt too much when I almost lost you in the maze and then Hedy and I just can't."

She felt so guilty, knowing she'd protect him above girls she'd known for years, but she couldn't deny it was true. She shut her eyes tight to the tears and looked down, shaking her head, almost ashamed. It felt selfish, but somehow anything would be easier to live with than losing Gally. That was a terrifying feeling, suddenly knowing you'd sacrifice others lives or even kill for another person, because if anyone from Wicked tried to take Gally from her after the maze she'd do whatever it took to stop them. He was her weakness and he was her strength, because a bright, hot feeling washed over her heart, determined and strong. What was that feeling if not-

She felt his arm wrap around her waist, pulling her toward him. She felt a hand under her jaw, tilting her face back up. She didn't even have time to open her eyes before she felt his lips on hers. She suddenly felt feverish again, but it was different, better. It felt like sparks zapped their way down her spine as his hand moved to cradle her neck so he could deepen the kisses, waves of electricity going through every nerve and down to her finger tips. His hand moved up her back till her chest was pressed to his and she was so close she had to wrap her arms around his neck.

And it was crazy, it was ridiculous, but the relief, the feeling of 'finally!' at kissing Gally was bigger and better than when they'd found the door out of the maze. It didn't matter what else was out there in the world waiting for her, it wouldn't hold a candle to the happiness, joy, and perfection of having this closeness to him.

Her mind was saturated with him, every brain cell chanting his name, but she managed to hear the knock on the door. Gally's lips parted from hers with a pull and his forehead rested against hers, still so close his nose brushed her cheek and as he spoke his lips tickled hers.

"I swear to God, if that's Gertie," he growled.

Without waiting for an invitation the door was opened and


Still so tangled together they hardly looked like two individual humans anymore they turned and saw Joan in the doorway.

"About shucking time," she grinned happily.

A small laugh bubbled up from Aussie as she felt her face flush, hiding it shyly in the crook of Gally's neck.

"I hate to break it up now that you've both realized the obvious, but we're leaving in a hot minute here," she informed them. "And I'm not closing this door behind me so you can start up where you left off and slow us down."

She stood there giving them a dopey but sincerely happy smile before shaking her head and finally ambling away.

Gally heaved a heavy sigh as he rested his forehead on Aussie's shoulder. "Figures," he mumbled. He picked himself up and pulled away enough to look at her as she seemed to giggle to herself. "You ok?"

She bit her bottom lip even as she grinned at him, those big blue eyes roaming his face, her hands cradling his cheeks, thumbs brushing the corners of his mouth. "I think I forgot my name all over again."

Gally felt a furious blush creep up his neck and engulf his face, and he turned away to hide a shy, embarrassed smile. "Well, I have wanted to do that for a while, so it kind of built up, you know?"

"Mmm so we really did come close a few times then, huh?" She tilted her head to the side, trying to catch his eye again, arms wrapped loosely around his shoulders still.

Gally just nodded with a soft chuckle.

"Oh, what was your important thing to tell me?" She asked, suddenly remembering.

"Well, that was pretty much it," he grinned with a face so red still it looked like a sun burn. "Um, there's more to talk about, but we don't have time for it right now." He was thinking of roof tops and fire flies, and just how long he'd had these feelings for.

"You're gonna leave me on a cliff hanger?" She complained but wasn't serious about it. "Guess I'll just have to hurry up and blow up all the Grievers so we have time for you to tell me." She was trying to joke but the severity of the situation was starting to weigh back down on them, shrinking the bubble of happiness that they found themselves in.

Their smiles faded, the electricity fizzled out, and body temperatures came down. They pulled each other into a tight hug. It was different than kissing, it was grounding and assuring, it was their hearts talking to each other. The weighty part of love was in the hugs, the part that said 'I've got you, no matter what. I'll be there, forever.'

Gally remembered how Aussie had told Lanie that she loved her, that it was probably the last thing she heard. He knew, now more than ever, that he and Aussie would be fighting for each other so hard there was no way they could fail, but he didn't want to go into it without saying it.

"I love you."

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