Trauma Central

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Love? LOVE? Did he just shucking say Love? Aussie felt like stabbing him with a fork just to change the subject. She didn't want to hear those words from him, she didn't want to be near him, she didn't even want to share the Garden with him.

The fact that everything he did that was nice and sweet turned her stomach instead of making her feel closer to him was a bad sign. He could be straight up lying to her. Now, if Gally had told her he knew her from before the maze, she'd believe him. And even if he told her he'd been madly in love with her before hand, she didn't think she'd freak out the way she was now. Heck, if she'd been in love with him before the maze then a lot of things would start making some shucking sense!

"Aris," she finally spoke up carefully, avoiding his gaze. "I am sorry, this must be hard for you too, but I don't remember you. I have none of these memories you talk about, and I don't have any of the feelings either. So can we just not talk about it?"

"But if I don't talk about it how will you ever remember?" He asked, his dark eyes becoming glassy. "I can't just let go of a second chance with you."

Gally bent his fork. And if he knew that Aris touched her knee under the table he would have found a new home for that fork.

Aussie sprang up and away from his touch, knocking her chair over. She just stood there for a second, everyone looking up at her except for Gally who'd stood up half a second after, ready to chuck this guy in the maze as soon as she gave the word. She didn't bother to say anything, she just turned and walked away as fast as she could toward the house.

"Aussie!" Aris called after her as he stood up as well, frozen by her outburst at first.

A heavy hand fell on his shoulder and pushed him back down into his seat. Gally leaned down so only Aris could hear him, squeezing his shoulder painfully.

"If you go near her, I'll break every rule in this place as far as you're concerned," he whispered threateningly in his ear, pulling back to give him a hard stare to make sure he understood before going after Aussie.

Gertie was halfway to the house, also following after her, so Aris was left with Joan, Georgia and Rachel.

"I am sorry for you, dude," Georgia said around a mouthful. "But you need to rethink your technique."

"What do you mean?" Aris asked.

"Well, think about it. If you were in her shoes how would you react to someone you don't remember, therefore you don't know, coming and trying to tell you who you are?" Georgia clarified for him.

"Also, you need to be careful of Gally," Joan added quickly since Georgia forgot the most important point. "They've grown quite close and he is fiercely protective of her."

"Yeah, I noticed," Aris mumbled unhappily as he rubbed his neck. "So, what do you think I should do?"

Georgia and Joan shared a glance. They really didn't want to advise this guy on how to get between Aussie and Gally.

"Aussie told you what she wanted," Joan reminded him. "Listen to her."

Aussie hugged a pillow as she curled up on the bed, sitting up still in case that psycho followed her in there, she didn't want to be vulnerable. The anxiety was making her stomach roil and she wanted to stay close to the bathroom just in case. Gertie came in just behind her, crashing next to her on the bed.

"Aussie are you alright?" She asked as she touched her arm.

"No, I'm not alright," Aussie almost groaned. "I just want him to stay away from me!"

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