Coup D'etat

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(Please note: the previous chapter was heavily edited, please check on it before continuing with this chapter. Thank you.)

Aussie stood under the trees with Gertie, Lanie, and Georgia as the maze door grated across the ground and finally closed with a thud. The garden seemed to collectively sigh with relief, tension releasing as they gained a measure of safety. Nothing was coming through the door now.

Talking to Thena should have been simple and easy, but Aussie was actually quite worried, so worried she felt sick to her stomach, which wasn't new. Stress and anxiety had made her physically ill before, causing problems with her stomach and she had to be very careful of what she ate and even when. That's why she was so weak and scrawny compared to the other girls. It had gotten so bad that the Makers had sent supplements specifically for her in the supplies, always right on time. In the beginning it served to convince her that someone cared for them, but now she wasn't so sure there was any pleasant sentiment behind it.

Thena and the guards were trudging toward them, using their spears like walking sticks, the exhaustion clear even at a distance and in the fading light. Joan was walking faster than the others and would reach them first, possibly because she had something to say. Aussie tried to hope for the best, that after all day together, Joan convinced Thena that Gally wasn't responsible after all.

Joan was breathing a little heavy by the time she reached them ahead of the others. "Where is he? She's gonna kill him," she said quickly and quietly, jarring Aussie tremendously.

"Passed out again, locked in a room in the house, some of the girls are keeping an eye on the door," Aussie answered clearly despite the fact her heart was pounding like a giant jacked up hummingbird.

"I think I won over at least half the girls, we got your back," Joan managed to say before Thena was within hearing range.

Aussie could see the fire in Thena's eyes, coupled with what Joan just said it gave Aussie the mental image of an absolute melee going down in a matter of moments. She had to diffuse it as much as she could. What she did next surprised the girls behind her. She took quick strides to meet Thena and flung her arms around her neck, giving her a tight hug. Thena looked surprised too, but didn't move her arms to reciprocate.

"Are you ok? How're you doing?" Aussie pulled away from Thena and looked around at all the girls, patting the one closest to her on the shoulder.

"Tired," some of the girls murmured in response.

"I bet," Aussie agreed. "Thank you for what you did today, I imagine it was really stressful and we all appreciate it."

Georgia nudged Gertie with a satisfied, smug smirk.

"Lanie, why don't you help them get water and snacks," Aussie suggested. "So they can get to bed. Then we can all talk about things tomorrow after we're rested?"

She purposefully phrased it as a question as she looked at Thena, trying to show she deferred to her and wasn't trying to call the shots. Unfortunately it didn't work. The almost demonic light was back in Thena's eyes as she stared at Aussie.

"No," she said firmly in a low and even tone. "You're done running things around here, Aussie."

The disdainful way she said her name made Aussie flinch like she'd been flicked on the nose like a naughty puppy. Her shoulders drooped in disappointment that she wasn't diffusing anything.

"Since I listened to you last night everything has gone wrong," Thena went on, taking a step toward Aussie. "So we're done listening to you. That boy you're so keen on keeping and integrating into our home is nothing but trouble, and I'm gonna do what I have to do to keep everyone safe."

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