Everyone is Acting Weird

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"Aussie!" Gally called out, catching up to her at the door of the house.

"What?" Her voice was void of inflection or tone and she didn't even turn to look at him, just kept walking.

His brows furrowed, so taken aback by this that he stopped moving altogether for a moment and had to jog yet again to catch up to her.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

She finally stopped by the chair Joan was slouched in, limp and exhausted, and looked at him, still dead in the eyes.

"Just close your eyes and point at something, it's probably going wrong today," she stated shortly before turning to Joan. "When the box came up I told the girls we'd explain about the grief serum and the note before the end of the day, figured we'd probably be safer doing that in the basement."

Joan looked between her and Gally, sharing a curious look with the latter.
"Ok?" Joan ventured. "What are- what about it?"

"Just letting you and the rest of the Counsel know so we can all decide how to do it," Aussie didn't wait for a reply, she just turned and left, making her way upstairs.

"What the..." Joan breathed as her and Gally stared up at her.

"This is crazy, she's acting like- like you!"

"Huh?" But it was too late, Gally was already taking the steps two at a time.

Gertie turned her tired eyes to the door when she heard a soft knock and they widened when she saw Aussie standing there there looking like crap. What happened to her?

"How is she doing?" Aussie asked quietly, not coming inside.

Gertie's brows furrowed at her odd behavior and furthermore when an equally confused looking Gally came up behind her.

"I ..." Gertie trailed off with a broken voice as she looked at the girl sleeping fitfully on the bed in front of her. "Honestly, I don't know."

Aussie wanted to be like the other girls, the girls who just go 'well, ok' and go about their business. But Gertie looked like she was scared, and deep down at her core Aussie could not change completely. Not in one afternoon at least. So she stepped into the room, waves of guilt washing over her every time Rani jerked against her restraints. She hesitantly placed a hand on Gertie's shoulder.

"You did exactly what you should have done. Whatever happens... it isn't your fault," she told her with only a hint of warmth in her tone.

Gertie was more confused than ever by her best friend which made her want to cry even more.

"Aussie, are you ok? You're acting weird," A tremor shook Gertie's voice which was a stark contrast to her usual sarcasm and blasé attitude.

Gally noticed that as well and felt a swell of pity for Gertie, convinced now more than ever that something was wrong with Aussie. His thoughts were interrupted as Gertie shot up out of her seat, hands reaching out for Aussie as a look of terror passed her green eyes.

"You're not stung too, are you?" She cried as she quickly examined Aussie's arms before grabbing her shirt and forcefully lifting it up to her armpits and checking her body for marks.

"No! I'm not stung!" Aussie assured her as she struggled to cover herself again, but Gally had already gotten an eyeful of smooth pale skin and pink bra, his own face turning pink as well.

"Just sit down," Aussie instructed as she took her by the wrists and led her back to her chair. "You need to rest. I'll get someone to come watch Rani for you."

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