All's Well

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The drugs eventually wore off and Gally started to come around. He was having a terrible nightmare that he was standing in the woods, paralyzed as Hedy strew Aussie through the trees. He strained and fought to move so hard that he really did move in his sleep.

Aussie had fallen asleep on his shoulder as Gertie treated them both and had drifted down to lay on the pillow that propped up his injured arm, curled up between him and Gertie on the couch. Gally's hand rested on Aussie's head, fingers tangled in the warmth of her hair.

Gertie was afraid of falling asleep now, not wanting anything to happen to Aussie and Gally. Even with Hedy gone she still couldn't quite rest easy. But it was a comfort to have Aussie's feet nestled under her legs as if Gertie were her mother hen.

Gertie was stirred by the soft noises Gally made while Aussie didn't awaken until she was almost dumped off his lap and off the couch. Both his good and bad arms were trying to reach out as he jerked forward as if to stand up, repeatedly mumbling the word 'No'. He grew more aggitated.

"Gally, it's ok," Aussie said groggily as she tried to press him back against the couch by his good shoulder.

"Don't let him get up, he could really hurt himself," Gertie told her as she got up to assist her.

"I'm trying but it's like trying to hold down a moose," Aussie grunted with effort.

He was too strong even when he was asleep. Her whole body ached and screamed as Aussie tried to use more of her weight to hold him down, bracing her knees on either side of his lap and gripping the couch behind him like she was a human seatbelt. Still he struggled, his mutterings were sad and pitiful and tugged on her heart. She could only imagine the kind of nightmare he might be having.

"Gally, you're ok, you're ok," she said soothingly.

"Oh man, I really hate to do this, but I gotta wake him up," Gertie said before pressing a finger to his injured shoulder.

His eyes flew open as he gasped, stars floating in his vision. His breath was ragged as he tried to get his bearings.

"Gally, you're ok, you're safe," Aussie's voice came, so close to him he almost believed he was still dreaming. "Calm down, we got you."

He did feel a weight against him and investigated with his good hand, finding a body directly in front of him, bony ribs beneath his fingers.

"It's me, Gally," Aussie assured him, a hand gently stroking his cheek.

He heaved a shaky sigh of relief as he pulled her against him, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he almost shed tears in relief.

"It's ok," Aussie repeated softly as she cradled his head against her and rubbed his back, her cheek resting against his hair.

Gertie also pet his hair sympathetically till he caught his breath and his grip on Aussie relaxed.

"I'm sorry, it was a nightmare," he wiped his face as Aussie moved next to him on the couch.

"Well, we went through a reality-mare so that's understandable," Aussie said.

"How do you feel, are you in any pain?" Gertie asked him, hovering over his shoulder.

"A little sore," his tired voice was husky and he felt exhausted. "It's not horrible."

"Since you're awake I want to take the sling off to check for swelling, is that ok?" Gertie asked.

Gally shrugged and regretted it.
"Yeah I guess."

Gertie was very careful as she moved his arm out of the sling, gently feeling his wrist and forearm for any injuries, asking him if anything was tender.

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