The Counsel

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Joan went flying by Aussie, obviously the superior runner, but Aussie could tell that not even she would reach Thena in time. The guards who had been at the pit were closing in as well but still not fast enough. Joan was still way too far behind by the time Thena had crossed the threshold of the maze. Aussie's lungs and muscles were burning and she hated herself so much right then for not being a better runner, but she wasn't going to give up even if she dropped dead at the doors.

Joan had reached the threshold and stood there yelling through the ever diminishing passage way, gesturing desperately for Thena to come back.

'Listen to her, listen to her,' Aussie begged Thena in her head.

And then Gally blazed past her. He didn't slow down and he would have gone straight into the maze if Joan hadn't caught the back of his shirt. They both stumbled in between the doors but she managed to haul him back out. If Aussie went a little faster maybe she could see Thena one last time at the very least. Based on how close the doors were now... she wouldn't be making it back.

Aussie kept pushing, she didn't give up until she ran smack into the doors just as they sealed together. She pounded it with her fist uselessly before her knees buckled. Gally was quick to catch her as she gasped like a fish out of water.

"Oh no," Gertie panted as she began searching Aussie's pockets. "Sit her down, lean her against the wall."

Gally did so, crouching by her side.

"Here's your inhaler, Aussie," Gertie said as she held the device to her mouth and gave a puff of medicine when Aussie inhaled again.

"Gally, what were you thinking?" Joan asked him, hands on her hips.

"What was I thinking?" Gally repeated in shock as he straightened up. "I could have gone in and brought her back out! What were you thinking stopping me?"

Gertie gave Aussie another puff with the inhaler as the two fought above their heads.

"We just would have lost two people to the maze tonight instead of one," Joan shot back. "You can't be so reckless."

"She's right," Gertie agreed softly. She looked up at him with those big green eyes as if she would have missed him.

He felt Aussie grab his ankle and he bent back down to her. Her breathing was still heavy but not so gasping anymore.
"Aussie, I'm sorry," he told her softly. "I could have gotten her out."

Aussie shook her head.
"No... but I.. appreciate.. that you.. wanted to try," she said, putting her little hand over his and giving a weak squeeze. "This is all... my fault."

"Excuse me?" Georgia's voice cut through the growing darkness. Quite a few of the girls had gathered around them to see what had happened.

"I... humiliated her... she didn't feel like.. she could-" Aussie began to say but Georgia cut her off.

"This is not your fault!" Georgia yelled as she grabbed the front of Aussie's shirt and pulled her forward.

"Hey! Get off!" Gally yelled as he tried to tear Georgia's hands away.

"No! It's not her fault!" Georgia yelled back.

"I know, it's mine!" Gally hollered angrily as he pushed her away. She landed hard on her butt in the dirt.

Everyone shut up and stared at him for a second. He took a deep breath and spoke more calmly.
"It's my fault for being here. I've caused all your problems."

"Don't be stupid!" Georgia shook her head with a disgusted look.

"Right, the makers are to blame for everything that's out of our control," Joan nodded. "And we can only control how we react to what they do."

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