The Rabbit Hole

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They blazed their last new trail, Gally marking the path with vines and Joan charting it on paper. So far there had been no sign of Grievers and, the longer that went on the more nervous Gally became about their return journey. Smooth sailing never lasted long in this place, if something seemed too good to be true it was because you were purposely lulled into false security so whatever diabolical plan the Makers had for you was even more horrifying. They tread new paths that looked the same as all the others until Gally felt like he wouldn't recognize the way out if he hadn't been leaving markers. But that suddenly changed.

At the end of the corridor they'd just turned onto was a new view. It seemed to open up in a large area full of very tall but fairly thin metal strips. He didn't know how else to describe them, they weren't spikes and they weren't towers, they reminded him a little bit of propeller blades. Joan almost tripped over nothing and Gally figured this was all new to her as well. He felt like he dare not get his hopes up, it wouldn't be this easy, it couldn't be.

When they got closer Joan held up her hand as she and Rachel slowed down, stopping at the edge of the familiar maze walls and this new environment. Aris and Gally caught up to them and stopped, everyone taking a cautious look around.

The maze walls continued around the perimeter of this new area, a space of about 50 feet between the wall and the dozens of evenly spaced metal slats that were only about 5 feet apart. It felt almost alien to Gally as he tried to adjust to the strange change of scenery, not understanding what the purpose of this area could be.

"Ok, we have about 20 minutes till we need to start heading back to make it before the doors close," Joan informed them. "This is all new to me so look alive and we might just stay alive."

They just walked now, it seemed reckless to run  in unfamiliar territory. They went left at first, just looking down the rows of metal slats, then turned back, passed the place where they entered and checked that direction as well. Gally didn't know what exactly they were looking for, he doubted there would be any exit signs and sure as heck not any warning signs. The only signs the Makers seemed to believe in were the plaques about World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department.

The metal slats were maybe 4 or 5 stories high and didn't fully reach the ground. Each one had a circular base that a pole running down the center of the slat fit into, giving the impression that they spun. Gally shook his head as he stared down at one and came to that conclusion, betting it only meant bad news for them. They walked straight down the very last column from the right of where they entered, looking for any kind of hint or clue what to do next, and watching out for any grievers.

"Oh lord," Joan sighed as she crouched over something.

Gally was at her side in an instant, scanning around them quickly before looking at whatever had caught her attention. Laying on the dusty ground before them was a bone. Gertie might have been able to tell them what bone it was, but they were all smart enough to know one thing: it was human. That was bad news in and of itself, but it got worse. The bone was old and dry but some things still clung to it, dark and shriveled, and there were cuts and gouges in it. As Gally looked around he saw a few more shapes scattered on the ground that very well could be more bones.

"Who is it?" He finally asked her.

"Too old to be Thena," Joan stated matter of factly. "Must be Helen."

"The girl who got lost in the maze and didn't make it back?" Gally asked, remembering seeing her headstone.

Joan nodded.
"Guess she didn't make it out after all," She sighed as she stood up.

"Let's not tell Aussie," Gally blurted. "I think she likes to imagine she did."

Aris gave him a brief look, seemingly surprised, but shook it off quickly.
"Well, obviously a griever got her all the way here, and if this is the new area that opened up and released them all, I think we need to hurry this up," Aris complained as he nervously scanned their surroundings constantly.

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