Breaking the Spell

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Gally had spent what felt like hours looking for Aussie that day. If it hadn't been for the commotion in the garden he may have believed she'd gone into the maze. But he noticed Hedy standing over someone in a large straw hat on their hands and knees in the garden. How he recognized it was Aussie just from her backside was a question for another day. By her crossed arms and the snarky bobble of her head, he could tell Hedy was harassing her.

He charged over, ready to bury her under the tomato's when the strangest thing happened. Hedy looked around, not seeing him through the trees, and then flung herself on the ground, crying out in a loud, annoying wail. Gally stopped in his tracks and just stared for a moment in utter disbelief. Did he see that right?

Aussie sat back on her heels and just looked over at her. Other girls made their way over to investigate and Gally joined them.

"What happened?" Joan was asking when he arrived.

"She went crazy and pushed me down!" Hedy said with actual tears running down her face as she pointed at Aussie who blankly stared back at her.

"No she didn't," Gally spoke up, shaking his head at her.

"Oh what?! I just threw myself on the ground? Yeah right," Hedy sniffled pathetically as Gertie appeared at her side.

"Yeah, actually. That's exactly what you did, I saw you," he informed her.

"Of course you'd say that, she's got you in her pocket," Hedy whined as an exhausted looking Gertie helped her up and tried to assess her for injuries.

Gally took a step toward her but Joan put up her hand to block him.

"Did anyone else see what happened?" She cut in looking around for any witnesses. No one came forward.

"Aussie, did you push her?" Joan asked with a sigh, more out of obligation than anything.

Aussie folded her arms and stood up, looking at Hedy.

"How did I push you?" She asked.

Hedy seemed annoyed.

"Tell them how I pushed you, where did I put my hands?" Aussie asked calmly.

"You shoved me in the chest, you psycho!" Hedy fired back as she nursed a sore shoulder.

Aussie looked up at Joan.
"Look at her," she nodded to Hedy. "And look at me."

Aussie unfolded her arms and raised muddy hands, brown from finger tip to wrist.

Hedy's exaggerated heavy breathing silenced immediately.

Gertie looked at Aussie's hands and at Hedy's clean shirt before glaring at her over the bags under her eyes.

"No, you see- she shoved her hands in the dirt after- Ah!"

Her sentence was cut off by Gertie's palm colliding with her cheek with more force than Gally thought her little body could muster. Everyone jumped in surprise.

"Gertie!" Aussie blurted in shock as she stepped toward her but was even more shocked to be her next victim.

"Ow!" Aussie cried as she placed a hand to her cheek, the one already bruised from Thena, getting it muddy in the process. Her and Gertie stared at each other through teary eyes.

"I want my friend back!" Gertie screamed at her as the tears spilled over.

"Ok, that's enough," Lanie spoke softly as she gently took Gertie by the shoulders and led her away.

Aussie rubbed her sore cheek, her mouth gaping in shock as most of the girls shuffled around awkwardly.

"She hit me!" Hedy cried. "She should be in the pit!"

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