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Hey y'all! I have not abandoned you, I promise! I will continue this story very very soon, I just got sidetracked with another Gally fantasy and thought I could write it up really quickly and just make a little short story of it. I don't know what quick or short is apparently.
The good news: there is a new story posted called The Reason. It's about another girl showing up in Gally's glade. It explores more of his character development from Maze Runner to Death Cure.
The even better news: the whole thing is practically written. I'm finishing the last chapter and will definitely have it done by the time I finish publishing all the chapters before it.
I hope you will like that shorter (but not exactly short) story that follows the original plot a bit more and keeps Gally's original character. And I hope you'll continue to enjoy Garden of Heathen and the upcoming sequel to it, City of Anger.
As always, thank you for your support. I love you.

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