Authors Note

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Hey y'all! I love you guys so much for reading my story and giving me comments, words cannot express my gratitude.

I just thought I'd share something kind of funny with you. So, they estimate that The Maze Runner is a little over 94k words. I've also uploaded this story to AO3 and it tells me that I've written 102,918 words. I don't know how I feel about that lol I don't know if I should feel proud or if I'm just too wordy and drag things out.

When I started this story it was on a whim, I didn't know how far I'd get before losing interest, I just wanted to play around with Gally. But then it kind of consumed me lol. Now I want to go all the way with it, and I hope I can keep you all engaged with it. I will split the story up, so once I put all I want into Garden of Heathen I'll have a separate work that I've decided to title City of Anger.

I can tell you one thing, realizing I wrote a story longer than the maze runner in roughly 4 months has given me the confidence I needed to actually start my original story.

I've wanted to be a writer- like a real published writer since I was just a kid. I've written stories since I could hold a pen and I think it's within the realm of possibilities to actually make that dream come true. Even if it doesn't get published I want to create this story because it's been living in me for two years now.

I was wondering though, what do you like and not like about my writing so I can stick to my strengths and improve my weaknesses. And I'll admit straight up that I don't handle criticism well so I'm scurred to ask this lol but I want to be good! So please be constructive in your criticism pretty please, and keep your honesty free of brutality lol

Again I love you guys so much and hope you'll keep reading my stories. Let me know if you want to be guinea pigs for my original as well. I want to make sure it's good and polish it up completely before I release the whole thing, but I need reassurances as I go that it's good and I'm doing well. I'd rather fix something while it's still fresh than get 100 chapters done and need to fix something in chapter 3 that affects the 97 chapters after it, ya know?

Ok anyways, I hope you enjoy the next few chapters in The Garden of Heathen and will follow the continuing story in City of Anger!

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