The Storm

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(Sorry I didn't update when I usually do, I got distracted making a playlist for this story. To make it up to you here's an extra 700 words or so lol. The playlist is on Apple Music and Spotify entitled Garden of Heathen.)

Aussie and Gally stepped out of the house and looked around the Garden, trying to spot Hedy. They didn't see her at first so they split up to ask around and search for her. The first girl Aussie asked could barely look at her which made her suspicious.

"You-you know you have blood all over you, right?" The girl asked.

Aussie looked down at herself and felt a little lightheaded. She hadn't realized this whole time.

"Again?" She groaned.
When she looked up the girl had vanished.

Aussie thought about cleaning up first but decided against it. She wanted Hedy to see it, to see just a fraction of the consequences of her actions. Oh, the things she'd say to Hedy when she found her.
Yes, look at me covered in Lanie's blood all because of You this time, you sex crazed, power hungry, blithering idiot-

Aussie was so caught up in her mental dialogue that she ran right into someone.

"Oh, sorry Serena," Aussie apologized, taking a long blink to help refocus. "Did I get blood on you?- oh that sounds so terrible when said so casually.. I'm sorry."

"Aussie, I have to talk to you," Serena said, pretty much ignoring her awkward rambling entirely. She grabbed her by the arm and began towing her away from any overhearing ears.

"By any chance can this wait? We're looking for Hedy right now. By the way, have you seen her?" Aussie asked as she was pulled along.

"It's about Hedy," Serena whispered once she'd stopped. "She was the one who massacred that goat in the woods."

"Uh, yeah?" Aussie said, unfazed. That was old, obvious news by then.

Serena however seemed surprised she knew already.

"And... I have something to confess," she played with her fingers nervously. "I might've... helped -just a little."

Aussie's eyes lit up like holy fire and Serena quickly put her hands up defensively, talking very quickly after that.
"I had no part in killing the goat! She just made me help her put it in the tree when she was done. She said if we made it look like a griever came in here then everyone would agree to her idea. I honestly just wanted to believe we could get out of here without going in the maze... after what happened to Rani I-" her words tapered off as she started to get choked up.

Aussie softened a bit. She could understand how Serena would feel that way after getting attacked by a griever and watching Rani after she was stung.

"And I am so sorry for what happened to Lanie," she began to cry with the wobbliest chin Aussie ever saw.

Aussie couldn't help but put her arms around her and give her a semi begrudging hug.

"I can kind of understand where you're coming from," she sighed. "Oh, blood! Sorry!" She pulled back, hoping she hadn't gotten any more on Serena.

"It's ok," She sniffled.

"Now, if you really want to feel better, tell me where Hedy is," Aussie requested as she held her by the shoulders.

"Um, everything was happening so fast, I kind of lost track of her. I haven't seen her since we pulled Lanie out," she shrugged sadly.

"Ok," Aussie sighed. "Thanks for telling me. And let me know if you see her alright?"
Serena nodded and they went their separate ways.

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