Holding On

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Aussie had gone into the special building near the maze door. It was the only building with a serious locking door. The thing looked like it came off a submarine. The building held the weirdest and the most vital things in the garden. For instance, the makers had sent them weapons, more than what you'd need for butchering, so those were stored in there. What else could they do with them? Also a box full of digital watches, athletic shoes out the wazoo, and the exact thing Aussie was looking for now, a tent. But they also kept the maze maps in there.

Moo found her in there and was excited to do his version of helping, which was 100% just getting in her way and licking her ankles. She loved it anyway. After locking up behind herself, ankles thoroughly cleaned as she stood still for so long, she turned and saw Gertie, followed by the unmistakably hulking shadow of Gally. She couldn't help the joyous leap her heart made before the vines of doubt constricted it again.

He might like Hedy in a special way, or any other girl there for that matter, and she had to be prepared for that. And she didn't want loyalty from him if it was begrudging, or out of guilt. She'd spent so much of herself the past few days fighting for his life, she might have lost sight of it being his life.

"Just accept what you can get, and say thank you," she muttered to herself before looking down at Moo, his big eyes shining up at her as he panted. "Right, Moo Moo?"

He whined at her in agreement.

She picked up the tent and made her way back to the doors, meeting up with the other two.

"I picked up a stray," Gertie said, jerking her thumb at Gally.

"So did I," Aussie nodded at Moo. "Well, it's a good thing, you two are smart enough to put this thing together. I couldn't do it to save my life."

"You think he's smart? Based on what evidence?" Gertie teased as she tossed her pillow and blanket by Aussie's.

"How about the fact he smuggled in a note?" Aussie reminded her.

"Yeah, I guess that's pretty good," Gertie shrugged.

Aussie began pulling the tent parts out of the carrying bag and laid them neatly in the grass. She had carefully packed it away since using it last. This had been her home after the house just reminded her of Mary and Mary's blood, and before they built her real house on the far side of the Garden.

"Did you bring a flashlight?" Gertie asked.

"No, I was trying to not get noticed," Aussie lightly laughed at her own foolishness.

"This will be impossible in the dark, I'm gonna go grab one," Gertie said as she began jogging back to camp.

Aussie was worried someone would see Gertie, watch her come back and see Gally with Aussie. Worse yet, that someone else might try to join them.

"Aussie?" Gally finally spoke up.

"Yeah?" She looked up at him with a friendly smile as Moo licked her chin.

"Is everything alright? Like, are we good?" He asked as he knelt down by her.

"Of course we are," she assured him, gently shoving Moo away from her face.

"You're not ...upset with me?" He asked somewhat timidly.

Her eyes snapped up to his, catching the worry on his face even in the dark.

"Gally," she said softly as she put her task aside and focused on him. "Why would I be upset with you?"

"About Thena?" He avoided her eyes suddenly.

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