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"All right, I guess that's it for now," Thena sighed. "If anything else comes up we'll just address it then. Aussie, start showing the Newbie around, everyone else get to work!"

The meeting broke up awkwardly. Some girls were quick to leave and get to the safety of their chores, others just shifted their weight for a moment as if to say "what, that's it?" But eventually the majority of them dissipated. Gertie stuck around, she'd just have to wait for someone to get hurt today, and Joan and Lanie came over to Aussie and Gally as well.

"I'm Joan, I'm in charge of the guards," she introduced herself to Gally. "Welcome to the Garden."

"Thanks," Gally said as he shook her hand.

"And I'm Lanie, I'm in charge of the Gardeners who actually garden," she laughed. "Basically everyone but the guards that is."

Aussie was very happy to see at least three people be hospitable to him so far. Maybe things would actually be ok, it seemed like Team Gally was a sturdy little group already.

"Don't take this the wrong way, it has more to do with Aussie than with you," Joan began to say, making Aussie's heart clench in a small terror of what she might say. "But if she gets hurt because of you, I won't be scared to come after you for it."

Gally noticed Aussie's head bob back in surprise, but he'd expected as much from Joan. Joan was half a head taller than Aussie and noticeably muscular. He didn't doubt she'd give a fair fight regardless of them being different genders. He wasn't afraid of that fight either, but the thought of doing harm to Aussie was like stomping on a baby bird that fell out of its nest, it just wouldn't feel right at all.

"But other than that," Joan added, a more lighthearted tone in her voice. "You can count on me to have your back. I take my job very seriously."

"So do I!" Lanie seconded. "If you need any help or just have any questions I'm here to help."

Lanie was shorter than Aussie and had sandy colored hair down to the tops of her shoulders. She kept bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"See you later, Aussie," Joan patted her shoulder before making her way toward the kitchen. "Let's get to work, Lanie."

Lanie waved at Gally before running after Joan, leaving Gertie behind.

"Ah, I remember when Aussie was showing me around on my first day," Gertie sighed with an over exaggerated wistfulness.

Aussie was silent but gave the younger girl a very intense look of "what the snit are doing right now, you weirdo?"

"Well," Gertie clapped her hands together. "Enjoy your special time with her."

With that she just casually walked off. Aussie's bewildered gaze followed her even as she began to speak to Gally.

"So..." she shook her head and turned to Gally, her expression clearing up as she tried to move past that awkward moment. "W-What would you like to see first?"

Gally scratched his jaw as he looked around.

"Well," he started, awkward himself. "Uh, the bathroom?"

"Oh!" Aussie's brows shot up. "Yeah of course. I'm sorry!"

"It's ok. Thena didn't give either of us much of a choice this morning," the words just came out of his mouth as Aussie began leading him toward the wooded area.

There was a little path worn heavily through the grass and the trees, rocks and pebbles worn smooth and roots flattened. They followed it through the shade of the trees for a while till two little shanties appeared. There was a rut worn perpendicularly across the path and Aussie stopped in it.

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