Door Slam

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"Ok, if you say so," Gally said, swallowing hard as he rubbed his thumb over her hand nervously.

"Oh snit, I see it," Joan said quietly.

Gally didn't want to hear that, didn't want to look, didn't want to know. He just held Aussie's hand tighter and thought about the fastest way to throw her over his shoulder and take off running. They were just rounding the corner when a beastly roar sounded in the distance.

Aussie whipped her head around in the direction of the noise, but just as quickly her arm was jerked as Gally ducked under it and grabbed her up.

"It's going after the noise, not us," Joan informed them as she peeked around the corner. "I say we go while the going is good."

Gally didn't need to be told, he was moving before Joan finished her sentence. This time he almost out paced her.

He felt Aussie's hands on his back, the pressure and balance telling him she was propping herself up to watch their backs. Finally they were in the corridor where they split up, which meant the exit was just up ahead on the left side. A small group of guards was standing there at the T junction, their attention turned the other way, in the direction of the noise. When they looked Gally's way their faces were wide eyed and pale.

"It tore right by here on the top of the maze!" One girl called out to them as she pointed to the top of the wall.

"Did Rani and the others come back?" Joan asked as she skidded to a halt in front of them.

Begrudgingly Gally slowed and stopped a ways down the main corridor, turning to see what the guards would say. Aussie pushed herself upright so she could see as well, Gally's grip around her thighs remained tight however, ready to run again at a moments notice.

"No, we heard screams," one girl informed Joan with a shaky voice.

Joan's brows furrowed and she looked down the corridor for a moment, her hand tightening around her bow.

"Joan," Aussie called, pushing against Gally's chest, trying to get free of his hold. "Joan, what are you doing?!"

"I... I'm gonna go after them," Joan told herself as much as she was telling Aussie.

"No, wait!" Aussie cried nearly throwing herself from Gally's arms but he caught her and set her feet on the ground, firmly holding onto her shoulders.

There was another roar then, and it overlapped a human scream that came from nearby. Joan looked down the corridor and her eyes widened, her bow and arrow coming up as she charged down the corridor.

"No!" Aussie cried and tried to break free and run after her.

"Aussie stop," Gally said firmly as he spun her around to face him. "I'll stay and help, but you need to get out of here."

"No, I'm not leaving them!" She spat at him as she fought against his grip on her. He should know better than asking her to abandon them.

"Aussie I'm trying to keep you safe!" He yelled as his fingers pressed into her skin and gave her a mild shake. "There's nothing you can do here, so just go!"

Through her shock she felt her heart plummet as she stared up into his ruddy face, furrowed brows beaded with sweat.

"Go!" He repeated before turning her around shoving her toward the Garden.

She stumbled forward and threw a glance over her shoulder to see Gally turning back toward the corridor. She faced forward again and began to walk in a daze, her feet dragging against the stone. What just happened? Why did it hurt so much?

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