First Day and Quirk Assessment Test

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It was the start of the first day of U.A. Y/n was getting ready when a small knock came to his door.

Y/n:It's unlocked.

The door opened showing Lily there she just poked her head through and smiled at him.

Lily:Hey there you ready yet?

Y/n:I just need to get this tie on right.

Lily:Here let me help you.

She said and walked in with her uniform on and the jacket tied around her waist. She fixed his tie as she smiled and looked him over.

Y/n:How do I look?

Lily:Pretty cool now let's go.

Y/n:Go on ahead I'm picking someone up.

Lily:Oh yeah who is it?

Y/n:Izumi. See ya.

He said walking out and heading over to her apartment. He went to knock on her door but it opened showing Izumi there.


Izumi:Oh hey Y/n. You're here early.

Y/n:Yeah I wanted to walk with you to school.

Izumi:Thanks I'm still nervous about today. I wonder if some people are gonna be there.

Y/n:You mean that four eyed guy?


Y/n:Don't worry if he bothers you then he'll awnser to me.

They walked to U.A. as Izumi held onto Y/n's arm tight. When they got therr they had a hard time finding the class.

Y/n:No...No...No...Where is this cla- Oh here it is.

Izumi:It's a huge door! Maybe someone with a giantification quirk like MT. Lady.

Y/n:Possibly. Or they just wanna show off.


Y/n opened the door and immediately they heard screaming.

Boy:Hey get you feet off of the desk!


Boy:You are disrespecting the staff that made the desk and the upperclassmen who sat there before you! Also it's not very lady like to sit like that!

Katsuki:You think I care? Any guy that even dares to look will get their eyes gouged out.

Boy:What? Let's start over I'm Tenya Iida from Somei private school.

Katsuki:Somei huh? You must think you're better than me I'm gonna have fun crushing you.

Iida:Crush? Are you sure you aim to be a hero?

She went to reply but looked over at Izumi and Y/n making the rest of the class do so as well. Most of the girls blushed at the sight of Y/n.

Iida:It's them.


Then Iida marched over to them.

Iida:Hello there I'm Tenya Iida from-

Izumi:Yeah I heard. I'm Izumi Midoriya and this is Y/n Senju.

Iida:Midoriya you realised that there was something more to the entrance exam right? I have to admit that you are superior to me.

Izumi:What no I-

Ochako:I know that long curly hair and muscular build! Midoriya and Y/n!

Y/n:Hm? Oh hey Ochako I see we made it to the same class.

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