Training Camp 1

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As the day started Y/n was training with Lucifero and Megicula when he noticed his phone ringing. He went to to go pick it up when he was sent to the ground.


Lucifero:No distractions while training.

Y/n:Hey come on!

He said trying to use his own gravity magic to reverse Lucifero's

Y/n:I can't leave someone to listen to the voice-mail.

He said breaking free and grabbing his phone.


Ochako:Hey Y/n me and a few others are heading to the mall to shop for the training camp. Did you wanna come with?

Y/n:Of course. I love spending my time with you all. I'll be there in a bit.

He said as he and Lily were at the mall looking for things to do.

Y/n:Where are they?

Mina:Hey Y/n over here!

She said as she waved them over.

Mina:Glad you two could make it.

Lily:I needed some more training clothes anyway.

Izumi:Yeah me too.

Y/n:There are a lot of preparations for a small event like this. Let's see what I need. I don't really need bug spray since I can repelle them. Let's see the type of things I need.

He said and walked around as he saw someone with a lot of bags.

Y/n:Hey Mei!

Mei:Hmm? Oh you're that sword guy! Y/n Senju right?

Y/n:Yeah that's me. What are you doing here?

Mei:I need some more supplies for my babies. Speaking of can I see your swords? I didn't get that many chances to see them.


He said taking out his Demon Slayer as she looked at it but what confused.

Mei:Huh? My quirk isn't working on it.

Y/n:Yeah it negates quirks after all. So anything I can help with?

Mei:Yes I need a lot more supplies and I can't carry them all. So I need you to help me.

Y/n:Okay that's fine. As long as you don't experiment on me.

After getting her supplies he saw something that made him angry. It was Izumi sitting with another guy. He dropped the bags and walked over. He could see that the guy had a hand on her neck as well. Y/n gripped his arm and pulled it off of her.

Y/n:Something I can help you with?

He said as Izumi began coughing from the strain on her neck. Y/n grew angrier from this and gripped the man's arm even tighter slightly breaking it making the man grunt a bit.


Y/n:Why the hell are you here Shigaraki?

Shigaraki:Heheh you know you were one of the reasons that no one really knew who I was.

Y/n:I suggest turning yourself in.

Shigaraki:If you think you can fight me then think again. I might have brought hundreds or maybe even thousands of villains here. Do you think you can protect everyone?

He said as Y/n grunted and let go of his hand as he stood up and walked away.

Y/n:Izumi are-

Izumi:I was scared! I thought he was going to kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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