Mina Ashido🍋🍋🍑

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Mina had shifted her position to where she was sideways on Y/n's lap and began to kiss him. Y/n moved his hands on her back and kissed her back as well. Their make out session turned more heated when she put her hands under his shirt and felt his abs. She then used her quirk to melt it off of him.

Y/n:Hey my shirt!

Mina:Don't worry your jacket will cover you. Now let's get back to what we were doing.

She said and pushed him to the bed as Y/n moved his hands down to her butt and gave it a firm squeeze making her moan into the kiss. He then began to take her shirt off and fiddle with her bra before finally taking it off. He grabbed her and fondled them and made her moan even more.

Mina:Y/n...I want this so bad.

Y/n:Me too. Do you have a condom?

Mina:I don't need one because my quirk kills your sperm.

Y/n:Huh useful. Wait will it burn me too?

Mina:No I can control it.

Y/n:That's good then.

He then moved his hands toward her shorts and took them off and saw how we she was and moved her panties aside and rubbed his fingers against her making her moan and rub her breasts as Y/n moved ro her neck and kissed it leaving love marks and hickeys on her neck.

Mina:Y/n I can't be the only one naked.

She said as she rubbed his bulge in his shorts as he got up and took off his shorts and boxers making her shocked to see his member halfway erect.

Mina:Oh my gosh you're big and not even fully hard yet!

She grabbed it and held it toward her face and began stroking it to make him harder. She licked the tip whioe stroking it making Y/n moan.

Y/n:Hey are you a virgin?

Mina:Yeah I am.

Y/n:How are you so good at this then?

Mina:I kinda did some reasearch before hand. Now just sit back and just enjoy.

She said and licked the length of it and put it in her mouth and began sucking on it. She began sucking it halfway and then took it a hit deeper until she had hit the base of his member. She slowly moved her mouth off while licking it as the same time and finally took her mouth off.

Y/n:Damn I could feel myself cumming already.

Mina:That's no good. I'm doing this while your enjoying everything isn't really fair. You should pleasure me too.

She said and a minute later her entrance was hovering over Y/n as his dick was in her face. He stuck out his tounge and began licking her entrance as she moaned loudly and grabbed Y/n's member and placed it between her breasts and began to stoke his bottom half using her breasts and his top using her mouth. Y/n moved his tounge toward her clit and licked around it making her moan louder as the vibrations were sent through Y/n's member making him feel even more pleasure. Soon enough they both came as her fluids splashed onto his face and he came in her mouth. She sat up to try and not choke and swallowed the cum in her mouth and felt vibrations on her entrande and looked down to see she was sitting on Y/n's face.

Mina:Oh sorry about that.

Y/n:It's alright are you ready for me to put it inside?

Mina:Y-Yeah go ahead.

She said as Mina laid down and spead her legs opening her pussy to Y/n. He moved on top of her and rubbed the tip against her and teased her a bit.

Mina:Y/n! Stop teasing me already!

She said and Y/n pushed into her until the head was in. She whinced in pain a bit as some blood trickled out of her. He sww the pain on her face and pet her head as she opened her teary eyes and saw Y/n smiling at her.

Y/n:Are you okay Mina? I can stop if you want.

He said as she smiled and kissed him.

Mina:I'm okay. It hurts but soon you'll feel so good that I don't want you to pull out.

She said and wrapped her legs around him pushing him deeper in. He pushed inside as well until he hit her cervix.

Y/n:It seems that's all I can go.

He said looking at Mina as she was bitting her lip until she let go and Y/n saw that they were a bit briused.

Y/n:Mina you bruised your lips. If you wanna bite something I'm very durable and besides I still need your love bite.

He said as she smiled and licked his upper shoulder and gently bit down. Y/n began to move inside her making her whimper a bit he went slowly until her pain resided and from her insuctions he went faster as she moaned out as her eyes rolled up and she smiled pervetedly.

Y/n:Damn you feel amazing Mina! I feel like I might cum already.

Mina:Go ahead I'm ready for you.

She said as she kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close to her. He released his cum inside her as she came again as they seperated from the kiss for a quick breath before returning to the kiss. Y/n pulled back and pulled out of her as his cum began to leak out.

Mina:It's so hot! I can't help myself I want more!

She said and looked at Y/n's member that was still hard and grabbed  it and made some of her slippery acid and used that as lube.

Mina:I want it in my ass now.

Y/n:A-Are you sure?

Mina:Yeah I am. I want you to fill me up everywhere.

She said and spread her cheeks so Y/n could enter easier and turned over on her stomach. He was over her once again and pressed against her tight hole and thanks to her lune it was slightly less hard to push inside as he gripped her ass and massaged it as he pushed deeper inside her as she moaned out in pleasure as he plunged deep inside her.

Y/n:Fuck she's tight!

He thought as he started to move in and out as she moaned out and gripped the bed sheets as Y/n grabbed her legs and started synching his thrusts and pulls at the same time. He flipped her over and put her left leg over his shoulder and began fucking her harder.

Mina:Oh god! I'm cumming! I'm cumming from my ass being fucked!

Y/n:Damn I'm cumming too!

He said as they came together again as he filled her ass up and she came a lot as well and soaked her sheets. Her leg fell from his shoulder and he collapsed on her stomach and was just breathing heavilt.

Y/n:Man that was amazing.

Mina:Yeah it feels so hot inside my stomach. I'm so glad this happened.

Y/n:Yeah but I should probably get home soon.

Mina:Or we could go another round?

Y/n:I really need to get home Mina.

Mina:Just a quick one I promise.

She said and he gave in because he was feeling it to and they ended up having sex for over six hours. And when he saw the time it was 2:00 am.

Y/n:Damn the curse took affect.


Y/n:Nothing let's just sleep.

He said as she turned off the lights and kissed his cheeks and slept next to him and cuddled him. Meanwhile a black kissmark was on his leg but suddenly was replaced with a mark of black energy.

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