Tournament pt1

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As everyone was returning from the break a tournament arena was set up and the people who made it were thereready to participate.

Midnight:For our final part of the sports festival this will be the tournament! Here are the brackets for the match ups.

First round
Izumi Midoriya vs. Noelle Silva

Second Round
Sakura Todoroki vs. Hanta Sero

Third Round
Denka Kaminari vs. Y/n Senju

Fourth Round
Tenya Iida vs. Mei Hatsume

Fifth Round
Mina Ashido vs. Mimosa Vermillion

Sixth Round
Momo Yaoyorozu vs. Fumikage Tokoyami

Seventh round
Lily Senju vs Ejira Kirishima

Eighth Round
Ochako Uraraka vs. Katsuki Bakugo.

Katsuki:Huh? Uraraka who's that?

Uraraka:No way!

Denka:Looks like it's me and you Y/n!

Y/n:Yeah it is.

He said with a smile not a confident one but one of simple happiness. Izumi and Noelle stayed at the ring so they could have their battle.

Noelle:Midoriya...No hard feelings no matter who the winner is.


She said as they were in the rings for their battle.

Lily:So who do you thinks going to win?

Jiro:I don't know it could go either way.

Iida:Midoriya does have strength but Silva beats her when it comes to control.

Y/n:Who will win?

As they were getting ready they were both nervous to fight against eachother in this battle.

Midnight:And begin!

She said as Izumi ran towards Noelle as the latter made a sphere of water and fired it at her. Izumi dodged and kept running at her and was getting closer and closer. Noelle put both hands out and fired them at her. Izumi didn't really have time to dodge as she was trying to get close and land an attack on her. She stood her ground and tried to block but was pushed back.


She screamed in pain and fell to the ground and recovered and started running at her again.

Izumi:If I can't get close then I'll hit her with my Delaware Smash!

She started to run at her again as her middle finger and thumb were glowing as Noelle shot another water ball at her as Izumi took her stance and flicked her finger making a large Shockwave fire at Noelle as it pushed her toward the edge of the ring.

Noelle:Sea Dragons Lair!

She said and made a large room of water to protect herself against Izumi's attacks.

Izumi:Is that a new ability? It looks like she focuses on defense more then offense so if I keep on attacking I'll be able to knock her out of the ring!

She thought as she charged up one for all in her right hand and focused it in her fingers and fired another blast at her shield and made it momentarily made it stop flowing as  she went for another attack with her ring finger as she went to flick it but Noelle had already had an attack ready.

Noelle:I was able to make this attack over the week it isn't perfect but I can still make a large attack while using it! Sea Dragons Roar!

She said and launched a large dragon at Izumi as her fight or flight response kicked in as her whole arm glowed and she went for a punch and punched her attack as she was pushing it back as her eyes weren't focused on somethibg else behind her. As her world shined with the color of one for all as she could see eight figures there as her arm bursted with even more power and destroyed Noelle attack.

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