Sports Festival

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It was 5.AM as Y/n had begun waking up and Mina was still there clinging to him. He smiled and kissed her forehead and began to get up. He put on his jacket and underwear and pants and went to oeave her room.

Mina:*Yawn* Hey Y/n you heading home?

Y/n:Yeah sorry to just leave like this.

Mina:No no it's fine. I should have let you go home yesterday. Sorry if I went a bit overboard.

She said with her head down but Y/n lifted her head and kissed her making her feel better.

Y/n:It was the best thing that could have happened to me though.

She blushed and smiled at him.

Y/n:But you should probably shower first. After all that we probably smell anyway I'll see you at school tomorrow.

Mina:Yeah see you later.

She said and he went to leace through the door but she stopped him.

Mina:Wait my parents are probably home. You should go out the window.


He said and left through the window and was able to land perfectly thanks to his use of his enhanced leg muscles. He then began walking home and when he did he saw his mother in her chair sleeping. It seems like she was waiting for him. He smiled and picked her up bridal stule and set her down gently.

Y/n:Sorry I was late mother. I kept you up and you fell asleep waiting for me.

He kissed her forehead and went to walk away but she grabbed his hand.

Layra:Y/n....Why were you late?

Y/n:Uh sorry I was-Ah!

He screamed as she pulled him toward her and held him against her breasts making him blush. She began to pet his head as she wrapped her wings around him.

Layra:Y/n I'm glad you are here right now. I need some energy. And I can't feel my energy on you.

She said rubbing a spot on his leg with her tail. He noticed the curse mark was gone as well.

Y/n:Huh it is go-

Layra:Sssshhhh. I just need some from you not all just some.

She said and bit down on his neck.

Y/n:What is she doing?! I can feel my blood being drained.

She began drinking his blood and pulled away and touched his wound and healed it.

Layra:Sorry I just needed some energy. I'm sorry if I hurt you sweetie I just needed something a bit different than usual.

Y/n:It's fine. I bet that having a quirk like yours is troubling but I get used to it.

Y/n said making her smiled and hug him more.

Layra:Thank you Y/n I can always count on you.

She said and Y/n had to get ready for the school day and as he did he was tired.

Y/n:*yawn*I should get home early and get to sleep sooner.

He said and grabbed his grimoire as Liebe landed on his shoulder.

Liebe:Hey what part of 10 hours do you not understand?

Y/n:Sorry Liebe. I got caught up with Mina.

Liebe:Doing what exactly?

Y/n:Well....Let's just say now she's my girlfriend.

Liebe:I see also what the hell is that on your leg?

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