Cavalry Battle

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After Midnight's explanation she gave them fifteen minutes for find a group. But no one wanted to team up I with her. But Uraraka, and a girl named Mei wanted to team up with her. And finally she chose Tokoyami as her horse.

Y/n:Man this is harder than I thought.

Lily:Hey Y/n!


Lily:How about we team up? I can provide great defense and have got a lot of points from the last round.

Y/n:Yeah let's go it.

Noelle:Hey Y/n do you still need members?

Y/n:Yeah I do.

He said as Noelle and Mimosa smiled.

Noelle:Good then we'll be on your team.

Y/n:Awesome. But who's going to ride on top?

Mimosa:Shouldn't it be you?

Y/n:Well I'm pretty heavy I think Lily should ride on top.

Lily:Huh why?

Y/n:Because of two reasons. You are the lightest one here. And I need a footing to use my swords. If I do that when I'm on you three it could cause all of us to topple over.

Noelle:That actually makes sense. But where are we going to be?

Y/n:You two should be at the sides. Noelle's water can help us against long range attackers and Mimosa's plants can help us with defense. My swords can reflect emmitter type quirks away. And with Liky's quirk we can steal other headbands. But let's wait for that part until the very last minute.

He said as they nodded and got into position. Y/n had gotten his Demon Slayer Sword ready as the match was about to begin.

Midnight:Okay time is up for the team match ups. Now for the battle to start! Now begin!

She daid as everyone began to run toward Izumi. But her team had better equipment and took to the skies.

Y/n:That Mei girl is from the Support course. They have better tactical equipment on the field.

Lily:Should we go after them?

Y/n:No only those that are foolish go because they go after the greater amount of points putting them at risk.

He said as he looked around and saw some people avoiding some.

Y/n:Lily how many points do we have?


Y/n:Okay we're in second place right now. We just need to avoid everyone.

He said as he felt someone's ki approaching his.

Y/n:Mimosa We need a wall of plants! Right behind us!

He said as she moved her right foot and made vines grow out from the ground and cover them as Y/n could see shoji running at them.

Y/n:Shoji? No I can feel more than one ki there.

Mineta:Hello there Y/n I'll be taking that headband if yours.

Y/n:In your dreams shorty.

He said as they began running away and Showing chased them as a long slimy tounge came out and went to attack Lily to get the head band. She dodged and saw who was in there.

Lily:Huh?! Hey Tsu what the hell I thought we were friends!

Tsu:Sorry but just this once I need to put that aside.

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