Final Exams

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After the internships the students of U.A. were coming back to class to go back to their regular schedule. But some have changed more than others.

Y/n:*Yawn*Why am I so tired? Did I not heal fully?

Lily:Hey Y/n!

She said and hugged him especially where his injuries were.

Y/n:H-Hey Lily.

Lily:You didn't wait for me. I had to hurry and catch up with you.

Y/n:Well I woke up earlier maybe that's why I'm so tired.

He said as they entered the class to hear laughter.

Ejira and Sero:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bakugo what happened to your hair?!

Katsuki:Shut the hell up you idiots! It got stuck like this. And even after washing it it won't go back. If you keep laughing I'll kill you!

Y/n:Hey Katsuki nice hair.

He said running his hand through her now straight hair. She blushed as it spiked back up.

Ejira nd Sero:Ahahahahahah! It's back!

Then after calming down Shoura came in.

Shoura:Good morning class.

Mina:Ms. Aizawa you got your bandages off!

Shoura:Yeah the old lady went crazy with healing me. Now that aside the Final exams are coming up and after that we're going to a summer camp to train your quirks. But if you didn't do well on the final and the practical exam then you won't be going.

Denka:Ah! I've been so busy with internships I haven't even had the chance to pick up a book.

Mina:Looks like we're in the same boat there.

She said as they both made the two lowest scores on it. Both ranking 20th and 19th

Mimosa:I barely studied but I managed to do well.

She said as she was 8th.

Noelle:Yeah you need to maintain your studies as well.

She said as she ranked 5th.

Y/n:I don't remember even studying. But I somehow made 2nd.

Momo:If you need help I wouldn't mind tutoring you.

Both:You're the best! Thank you very much!

They said as others wanted to study with her as well. Then during lunch class 1-A was sitting with eachother.

Y/n:Sakura what do you think the practical exam is going to be like?

Sakura:I don't know. Maybe they'll make us fight eachother.

Y/n:Maybe but I-

He was stopped when his hand moved behind him and grabbed someone's elbow.

Y/n:Just what do you think you're doing Monama?

Monama:I heard that you and another Class 1-A student took down a high ranking Villain.

Y/n:Yeah? What about-

Monama:Just because you got lucky doesn't mean you're better than me! Soon I'll take you down and-

He was then knocked out by Kendo.

Y/n:Hey you're Itsuka Kendo right?

Kendo:Y-Yeah you are Y/n senju right?

Y/n:Yeah thanks for that by the way. I would have probably hit him worse in about two seconds.

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