Recovery Night🍋🍋🍑

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-3rd Pov-

Y/n was laying in a hospital bed as he began to wake up and looked over and saw Noelle waiting anxiously.


He said as she looked over and ran and hugged him in a tight embrace.


He said as she backed off.

Noelle:S-Sorry. Are you alright?

Y/n:Y-Yeah just a little sore. Where's Distort?

Noelle:In jail. We beat him.

Y/n:Hehe yeah thanks for your help Noelle.

Noelle:It was you who played the most important part.

Y/n:Where's Miruko?

Noelle:She went back home. I don't know why but she had a sad look on her face.

Y/n:I see well let's go-


She said and ran toward him and hugged him.

Y/n:I-Izumi?! Why are you in the hospital?

Izumi:I was so worried for you!

Y/n:Hey hold on why are you in here?!

Izumi:Um....I got caught up in a villain fight. But you fought someone strong and got hurt.

Y/n:Izumi....I'm sorry I worried you. Can you forgive me?

She kisses him and smiles.

Izumi:Of course. But don't do that again.

She said as he met up with Sakura too.

Y/n:Hey Sakura.

Sakura:Y/n? You're awake so soon?

Y/n:Well I heal pretty quickly. But more importantly why are you here?

Sakura:Me, Midoriya, and Iida, fought stain.

Y/n:What?! Iida what happened? Was it your brother?


Y/n:I get it. What injury does he have?

Iida:H-He's paralyzed. He can never walk again.

Y/n:Well it's a good thing we're close friends huh?

Iida:What do you mean?

Y/n:It means I can heal your brother. Come on we're heading to his hospital.

Iida:Wait really? Can you really do that?!

Y/n:Yeah an injury like this shouldn't be a problem.

He said as they were on their way to hus hospital as Y/n was still thinking about something.

Y/n:Miruko.....What are you doing? Why didn't you see me? Did I make you disappointed or something? I should try to make amends with her when I get back.

He then made it to the hospital where Tensei was.

Y/n:This is the place?


He said as a woman and a man were there.

Y/n:Are you two his parents?

Man:Yes who are you?

Iida:Father this is my friend Y/n Senju.

Woman:You were the winner of the sports festival right?

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