Dark Pressense and New Powers

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The figure slowly walked toward the two as Y/n could feel his legs shaking ready to give out.

Y/n:N-Noelle.....I want you to leave.

Noelle:What?! I-I can't leave you here!

Y/n:He's only after me so just go.

Noelle:No! I'm not leaving you! If you are  fighting I'm fighting with you!

???:Hahahah how sweet but sweetness won't save you from death.

He said snapping his fingers as Y/n had looked below him and moved back.

???:You can see it before it happened? Interesting let's see how you do.

He said and snapped his fingers again as multiple portals opened up revealing guns an knives.

Noelle:Sea Dragons Lair!

She said and made a barrier around them deflecting the attacks.

Y/n:Thanks Noelle.

He said pulling his Demon Dweller Sword out and pointing it at the water behind them absorbed part of her quirk.

Y/n:Demon Dweller:Water Slash!

He said and slashed five slashes at him as he snapped his fingers again opening a portal. Another opened behind him as Y/n quickly blocked all of his attacks.

???:Absorbtion too? Hehehe you're perfect. Hey boy how about you join my gang?


???:You could get the best food and drinks out there. And have as many women as you want.

Y/n:Okay jerk first off I am only 16 and can't drink yet. And second I don't treat women like toys I treat them like people. And third I wouldn't wanna join a Villian like you!

???:Oh well too bad.

He said and clenched his hand then opened it creating a sphere like portal.

???:Endless Void.

He said and it went toward them as it began to suck up Noelle's Barrier.

Noelle:Y/n I can't hold it up.

Y/n:Don't worry you won't have to.

He said as his left hand turned black and ignited in flames.

Y/n:Dragon Incinerator!

He said and blasted a giant wave of fire at him as the man covered his eyes from the heat and light but his attack was absorbed into the ball. Then the man looked at them he saw that they were gone.

???:Those two are powerful. I'll recruit them even if I have to take a few lives.

He said and retreated to the shadows as Y/n was seen flying away with Noelle at high speeds. He stopped and landed on a roof.

Y/n:He's dangerous. That quirk is insane.

Noelle:I could barely move. I'm sorry I couldn't be of help to you.

She said as Y/n hugged her and brought her close.

Y/n:Noelle you were a life saver I could have died.

He said as she hugged him and listened to his heartbeat moving at a fast pace.

Noelle:It's beating so fast.....Was he that scared?

Suddenly someone landed on the roof as Y/n got in a defensive position ready to attacked.

Miruko:Relax it's just me.

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