U.S.J. PT1

876 22 1

After having a talk with Izumi she was okay with Katsuki being in their relationship too. And as they were heading to class some of them had gotten confused looks. But they just brushed them off and went to their seats. That's when Shoura came in the class.

Shoura:Okay class good morning. I have went over the video for the battle training. Bakugo you're talented so don't go moping around like a child.


Shoura:And Midoriya you sacrificed your arm to win. You need to learn control over your quirk. Once you do you could be a huge help to everyone.

Izumi:Y-Yes ma'am.

Shoura:Now with that out of the way let's get down to buisness. Today you'll need to do something important. And that is electing a class representative.

Class:Oh normal school stuff!

Mina:Pick me I wanna do it!

Ejira:You're gonna need me!

Jiro:It sounds cool.

Katsuki:I'm the strongest so you need me!

Y/n:I'll do it I can protect everyone so I should be it!

Iida:Everyone silence we can't be so hasty and get out if line like this.

He said raising his hand the highest.

Class:It obvious you want us to pick you.

Tsuyu:But how are we gonna pick who it's going to be? We've only known eachother for a short while.

Iida:That's why we should hold an election. And whoever has the most votes is the most suitable! Do we have your permission Ms. Aizawa?

Shoura:Whatever you want just do it before my nap's over.

She went into her sleeping bag and went to sleep.

Iida:Thank you for your permission.

And so they went along and voted for who they thought was most suitable.

Y/n Seju-8

Momo Yaoyorozu-2

Y/n:Hehehe nice.

He said as Momo was a bit skeptical.

Momo:How vexing.

Y/n:Okay everyone I'm your class representative. You don't need to hold back your questions with me or if you have any requests feel free to tell me.

He said as the bell rung for lunch. As Y/n sat down with Lily as Iida, Ochako, Katsuki and Noelle sat with them.

Ochako:Congratulations on getting voted class rep.

Y/n:Yeah it's a big responsibility. But I am confident that I can do it.

Iida:I would hope so you showed that you can inspire and help others. That's part of the reason I voted for you.

Y/n:Wait you did?

Noelle:Seems pointless to vote for someone if you wanted to be class rep.

Ochako:Yeah I mean you have the glasses and everything.

Iida:Being qualified for the position and wanting to do it are different qualities. I wanted to do it to prove that I can be a prestigious as him.


Ochako:Ya know Iida I've been wondering for a while. Are you a rich kid?

Iida:I thought that if people found out they would treat me differently.

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