Tournament pt3

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-Y/n Pov-

I was drinking a bottle of water from the vending machine when I saw lily walking toward me.

Y/n:Hey Lily great match!

Lily:Y-Yeah. Y/n remember to make it to our final match okay?

Y/n:Well of course. You were my real opponent all along.

He said as she blushed and smiled.

Y/n:Okay then see you later Lily. Gotta get ready for my match.

He said and walked out as a man walked out covered in flames.


Endeavor:Hm? Oh I know you you're the one that fought with those swords.

Y/n:Yeah.*Looks at mustache and beard*Are they seriously on fire?

Naamah:I don't like him.

He said as Liebe glared at him.

Y/n:Sorry if I am in your way I'll move.

Endeavor:Hold on.


Endeavor:My daughter is being stubborn about using her fire. So I want you to fight her with all you have.

Y/n:Don't worry I'll get her to use her fire.

Endeavor:Good I appreciate-

Y/n:I'm not done. I never said I would do it for you. I'm doing it for her because rejecting her quirk is terrible. And I want a real battle not a half assed one.

He said and walked away as Lily smiled and Y/n walked out to the ring where he saw Sakura there.

Y/n:Hey Sakura let's have a real battle. Use your full power including your fire.

Sakura:Tsk. Did my father put you up to this? That makes me even more angry.

She said in a cold tone as Midnight was ready to begin the match.

Midnight:Such intense emotions here*licks lips*This is going to be a great battle! Ready? And Begin!

She said as Y/n got out his Demon Slayer and charged at Sakura who made a large wave of ice and Y/n cut through it and ran at her more.

Y/n:Come on! Use it! Even if I can cut through it it'll still burn me! This way you can win!

Sakura:Just shut up!

She said and launched more and more ice at Y/n this one was larger as Y/n brought out his Demon Dweller and started to do a new move.

Y/n:Bull Thrust!

He said and stabbed the ice and lifted it off of the ground and threw it at her as she made an ice wall to block it and as they crashed together and broke into hail as Sakura used her arms to block the incoming ice as she moved and Y/n was right on her blocking his face as well.

Y/n:I can't see but I can still sense her ki! She can't hide from me!

He thought as he hit her with his sword sending her toward the ground. She layed there as he pressed his sword against her.

Y/n:Use it or I'll end this battle right now.

Sakura:You don't get it......I don't ever wanna use it! I DON'T EVER WANT TO USE HIS POWER!

she said and Y/n was taken aback by this outburst and moved his sword as she made more and more ice go toward him as he moved and cut through the ice as he went to sent it but hit it with the flat side of his sword and it was knocked out of his hand and landed outside of the ring. He saw her getting up as ice was heading his way and he cut it with the Demon Dweller but she was riding on it and moved her right hand toward him as Y/n grabbed her hand with his left hand as his hand began to freeze but he grinned and his hand began to sizzle and spark up as she let go in time for his hand to fully catch on fire.

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