The Rise Of A Devil

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-Y/n Pov-

I was in my bed sleeping peacefully when I felt something coil around my leg. I wake up and look over and see my mother in my bed.

Y/n:Again? Why does she always do this when she get's home from work? Hey mom wake up.

I said shaking her making her hold me tighter.

Lyra:Nooo~ Not yet!

Y/n:I need to get ready for school. I can't be late again because you're too tired to wake up.

Lyra:I had a long night last night. I am low on energy so I need to feed off you. Can't you spare a bit of energy?

She said as I sighed and held her closer and gave her some of my energy. She smiled and hugged me closer.

Y/n:There better?

Layra:Very much thank you sweetie~

She said and kissed my cheek. I then got up and started to walk to the bathroom to get ready. When I got there I saw Lily about to take a shower.

She smirked at me and I knew what was about to happen.

Lily:Oh my how bold of you to walk in on your little sister while she's taking a shower.

She said as I just closed the door and went to the other bathroom. I then heard her scream at me from down the hall.

Lily:At least have some reaction!

She said as I ignored her and went to the other bathroom and had gotten ready.

Y/n:Today will be like usual. But I have to work extra hard to achive my dream.

He said and walked out if his house a bit later and as he did Lilith came and ran up to him.

Lily:Hey wait up!

Y/n:I see you're earlier than usual what's the occasion?

Lily:Don't you know it's the time of year we are deciding our carrer pathways.

Y/n:I expect that you're going to U.A.?

Lily:Yeah I am. I have a strong quirk to back me up and I've been studying hard.

Y/n:Not hard enough.

Lily:Hey you can't be talking. You're still trying to get into U.A. too! Good grades and muscles.

Y/n:Well I don't give up easily. I'll always try and try until I achive my dream. I will become the number one hero!

Lily smiled at his will to keep going and held onto his arm.

Y/n:Hey what are you doing?

Lily:Just showing you how much I care. Also never give up okay. I'll always believe in you.

She said as they had made it to school and went to their seperate classes. Suddenly someone bumped into Y/n but only they fell over.

Girl:Owww. O-Oh I'm sorry!

Y/n:It's okay here let me help you up.

He said and lifted the girl to her feet. He had gotten a closer look at the person and saw that had fell.


Izumi:Oh hey Y/n. Sorry I bumped into you again I was in a hurry.

Y/n:That's all right. Let's get to class we might already be late.

He said as they went to their class and soonnthe teacher spoke about their paths as adults.

Teacher:Okay everyone as third years it's time to think about your future. I'll start handing out your carrer pathways.

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