A Day Out

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-Y/n Pov-

I was sittiing on my bed lifting weights since my leg was still broken and a small Liebe was on my pillow.

Liebe:Hey Y/n is there anything fun to do?

Y/n:Sure there is. I have TV and some video games.

Liebe:I can't do that stuff unless I'm in my fullest form! And you are drained so you can't do that.

Y/n:Well sorry I broke my body trying to save my friends and girlfriends. But I guess you are right but could you heal my leg?

Liebe:No I don't have that power. I can only nullify quirks.

He said as I brought my grimoire to me and had it float infront of me.

Y/n:Really? Well I looked through my grimoire and saw other names in here as well your name is in here. Who are these other devils?

He jumps on my shoulder and looked at the grimoire where those names are. He looked at aa certain name and stopped there.

Y/n:It seems that Licht has caught your attention the most. Someone you know?

Liebe:That's the thing I didn't expect him to be here. I also don't know much about him.

Y/n:So can you tell me about the others?

Liebe:Well there's one that's really arrogant. Then two that are twins. One of them is annoying and the other one is lame. Honestly I'm the strongest out of all of them.

Y/n:Yeah you are strong. So can you tell me how to go into that dark form again?

Liebe:It's called Anti-Magic. And yeah I can teach you but it won't be easy. Anti-Magic isn't like other types of abilities. It has no limit to the amout it can pour out. Remember that form from before?

Y/n:Yeah it increased my speed and strength as well. It it takes a lot out of me just to hold it.

Liebe:Yeah that's because your body is too weak to hold it. That's why you could only do it for 30 seconds.

Y/n:Well my hody is strong enough to lift a couple hundred tons you call that weak?

Liebe:No listen I mean your spiritual body. Devils are far stronger than humans but sometimes that power can kill. That's why you need to build up more and more spirit energy before you can hold that form for longer than 30 seconds.

Y/n:Really how long do you think it'll take for all of your power?

Liebe:With how you are now? I'd say about 15 years.

Y/n:Fifteen years?!

Liebe:Yes you would need to do continusous spirit training everyday of those fifteen years.

Y/n:Isn't there a faster way?

Liebe:Yes there is but I don't think that you'd like it.

Y/n:Come on I can't wait to use your full power for 15 years.

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