U.S.J. PT2

638 20 0

Y/n and Noelle had made it out of the rainy zone and saw Shoura on the ground with the beast there.

Y/n:That thing must be the one that was sent to kill All Might!

Noelle:It's so horrifying.

Y/n:I'm going.

Noelle:What? Why?

Y/n:She's on the verge of death. I don't wanna leave her there!

He said and ran at the beast and grabbed his sword and headed over to the beast and stabbed it's arm making it stick to the ground and kicked his face and sent him flying making his arm get torn off.

Shigaraki:What? How were you able to push nomu away so easily?

Y/n:Ms. Aizawa are you okay?

She didn't respond as her arms were broken. Her face was dented into the ground.

Y/n:D-Damn it! She's injured badly! These assholes!

He said and turned toward them and got both of his swords out.

Y/n:I'll wreck your faces!

He said running at them but the beast was behind him and went for an attack.

Izumi:Y/n look out!


He jumped away and faced the nomu his arm was slowly regenerating.


???:Hey this guy is way stronger than you. Do you want some help?

Y/n:Fuck off! I'm not giving up my body to beat these guys!

He said and carged the nomu and went for a slash but the nomu dodged and went to attack Y/n with it's free hand. Y/n stabbed it's hand with his sword and kicked him to the ground. The nomu tried to get up but Y/n placed his foot on it's head.

Y/n:Stay down.

Shigaraki:This guy.....What's going on? Why is nomu losing?! Kurogiri who is he?

Kurogiri:I don't know. His swords hurt me when he attacked. I couldn't hold my form properly.

Shigaraki:So he has a quirk that interferes with quirks? He's trouble. I'll kill him myself.

He said and ran at Y/n who saw him coming and dodged attacks from his hands and swung at him and shigaraki caught it with all but his pinky. He grinned and placed his pinky down on the sword but nothing happened.

Shigaraki:Huh? It's not decaying?

Y/n:I don't disrupt quirks I nullify them!

He said and geabbe dhim and slammed him in the ground making a hand fly off of him. Shigaraki went to grab his arm but Y/n stepped on his other hand and stopped his movement.

Y/n:You're done.

Shigaraki:You really think huh?

He said Y/n suddenoy felt ominous ki and he was so focused on Shigaraki he didn't notice thwt the Nomu was behind him and had kicked him away toward the landslide area. He had dropped his sowrds there as well.

Y/n:*cough*cough. Shit he broke five of my ribs. I'm also sure that my collar bone is broken as well. Hah I need to get up.


Y/n:Huh oh hey Sakura you were here huh?

Sakura:I figured out what they wanted. They want-

Y/n:To kill All Might I know. I actually believe that it might just do it.....But I'm not giving up!

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