Obstical Course

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After training for a week Y/n was well i formed on both Liebe's and Lucifero's abilities. He even managed to use two Devil forms at the same time. And for the rest of the time he trained with the others to help them progress themselves.

Y/n:Okay gotta stay focused!

Sato:I wonder what they'll have in store for us.

Tokoyami:We have to be prepared no matter what.

Y/n:Okay everyone you ready to show em who's boss?



Y/n:Hm? What is it Sakura?

Sakura:From an objective point of view. I think it's fairly clear to say that you're stronger than me.

Y/n:Yeah that's obvious.

Sakura:You even have some heroes backing you up. But just know that I will beat you.

Y/n:Good luck with that. It'll be harder than you think.

Ejira:Hey you can't be starting things like that. We're friends remember?

Sakura:This is a competition. We're not here to make friends.

Y/n:Hey Sakura I wasn't done talking yet.

He said making her stop and turn around.

Y/n:To be honest I wanted to fight you again because last time you weren't using your full strength. Your left side. You have yet to use it against anyone so far.

Sakura:Your point?

Y/n:My point is that I'll push you so far that only your left side is what you can rely on.

He said as Iida came through the door.

Iida:Everyone we're heading out get your game faces on.

He said as everyone came out to see a large crowd of people there. Izumi was clearly nervous as Y/n grabbed her hand to make her less nervous.

Y/n:Don't worry you're going to be fine.

He said making her smile and nod. Aftsr all of the classes came out and gathered around the proctor Midnight.

Y/n:I still can't believe that's a hero costume.

He said as a tail wrapped around his eyes covering them.

Y/n:Lily what are you doing?

Lily:You can't be looking at someone like that.

Y/n:I'm not a kid.

He said as Midnight began talking.

Midnight:Before I begin let's have a speech from our student representative Y/n Senju!


Sato:Most likely because he is the class rep and came in first in the practical exams.

Tsu:I wonder what he's gonna say.

She said as he grabbed the microphone from her.

Y/n:Huh? What do I say? What can I say? There's nothing I can do to make people really listen to me or be inspired. Guess I can just speak how I feel. There are people here who want to be heroes but think that their quirks aren't suited for it. And some who have powerful quirks but can't show them. But this is the starting line where you can really shine among your peers. And where you can go beyond Plus Ultra!

He said as they cheered at his speech but it wasn't for them it was mainly for him. This is where he could shine the most. As they calmed down Midnight began to talk about the first round.

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