Heroes Vs. Villians

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-Y/n Pov-

I had felt my surroundings in my sleep and felt something soft and thin. The sheets on my bed which would mean that I was either near or on my bed. I usee my ki to feel around me and I was on something soft yet firm. My bed I could also sense a few other things around me. They felt kind and caring. Lily and mother but why are they clinging to me like this. Wait....I can feel other life forms around us. Just how many? One.....three.....five.....seven no. Eight beings around me or more likely inside me but I could feel one more. Who were they and why were they inside me? I then could feel something coil around my arms. Their tails again huh? I slowly open my eyes and look over to my right and see my mom there.

Y/n:Mom what are you doing here?

Layra:Well I saw you on the floor with your sword out and thought you must be tired. So I put you in your bed and you pulled me to you. And I couldn't pass up the chance.

Y/n:And this other person is Lily correct?

Layra:Correct she was jealous of us and decided to join in.

Y/n:Right. Anyway I'll get ready for-

I went to get up but she pulled me back down.

Layra:Come on it's only 6 am. You have plenty of time to relax.

Y/n:Yeah but I still need to train before.

Layra:Okay fine.

She said and let go of my arm.

Layra:But good luck getting her off.

Y/n:Don't worry I know how to move her.

I said and grabbed the tip of her tail and rubbed it gently and she squirmed until she woke up.

Lily:Hey Y/n don't grab my tail like that it's sensitive!

She said as I got up and went to get ready for U.A. I headed out and went over to Izumi's place and knocked on her door. She opened it and had a weird smile on her face.

Y/n:What's wrong?

Izumi:Nothing let's go.

She said as they walked to school and Y/n noticed that she was sad.

Y/n:Izumi are you okay?

Izumi:Yeah it's just....I saw the way those other girls looked at you. I could tell that they like you.

Y/n:Yeah their ki gave it away. Don't tell me you're jealous.

She turned red and covered her face.

Izumi:N-No nothing like that. I...I just wanted to know that you'll still love me.

Y/n:Of course I still love you. Now other girl could change that.

Izumi:If that is right then.....I'll allow it.

Y/n:Allow what?

Izumi:You to ya know. Date other girls too.

Y/n:What do you mean? Like a harem or something?

Izumi:Yeah. If I'm your number one then I don't mind.

Y/n:If you don't mind then it's okay with me. But I doubt that I'll have a harem of girls around me.

I said and we began to head to the school. As we got into class a voice spoke out to us and everyone knew who it was.


Ejira:Woah it's All Might! She really is a teacher here!

Denka:This year is gonna be awesome.

Ojiro:She's wearing her silver costume too! So retro!

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