Going Beyond Plus Ultra

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Liebe and Miruko were flying through the air at high speeds.

Miruko:Hey jackass let me go already!

Liebe:Can't, you might be of use to me.

Miruko:Huh might be?! Just tell me who you are already!

Liebe:I can't not my buisness. I only trust Y/n to do that. Look we're almost there.

He said as he crashing into a building and saw a group of grunts there.

Liebe:Hey there everybody let's have a brawl.

He said as they all went to fight but they stopped when they saw Liebe looking like he'll kill them.

Liebe:Aw what's wrong scared?

He said with a mocking smile before it turned into a frown.

Liebe:I hate cowards.

He said and sent the Demon Slayer at them and knocked them all out in one swift attack.

Liebe:Hehehehe that's it? How weak.

Miruko:Hey you should know that they were the only ones who knew where the infected people were!

Liebe:There aren't any. I couldn't sense them here. Which means Y/n must be there already. Let's go.

He said and began to walk out as a gunshot was heard as the Demon Slayer blocked it.


He said looking confused as Distort was there looking furious.

Distort: I see you were able to knock them all out disappointing really. But you should know that the quirk won't disappear if you knock him out right?

Liebe:I know that that's why Y/n is on it already.

Distort:Really now guess I'll have to make up for it by killing you two.

Liebe:Heheheh how about you try it?

He said getting the Demon Slayer ready.

Liebe:Hehehe he's strong. And the feeling of finally being in the living world is great. I hope I can do this more!

He said and sent the sword at the villian as he disappeared and went to attack Liebe but Miruko kicked him away as Liebe turned around.

Liebe:Huh that's troubling. I'll try this now.

Meanwhile Y/n had made it to the place where he could sense the ki of people were in there were fading as he got out the Demon Destroyer and kicked a door down and saw a few villiabs there who went to attack him but he used his sword to absorb their attacks and the infection as well.

Y/n:Man that was close. Is everyone okay?

Guy1:Yeah how did you know where we were?

Y/n:I had some help. Everyone you're safe now so get out of here and report this to the police or heroes they'll handle this. Noelle I'm going back to Miruko and Liebe are you coming?

Noelle:Yes I am.

He said as she smiled and Y/n held her by her waist and began to fly back to where the two were.

Noelle:Y/n are you sure we can take him and his group my ourselves?

Y/n:Of course. We're much stronger now and you've become stronger as well right so we can do this.

He said and flew faster and as he was flying Noelle clenched her hand and made her lance with the high pressure wave.

Y/n:Nice to see you're ready.

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